Example sentences of "ask [pn reflx] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 If we are to continue with a system of grants for specific operations on the land we must ask ourselves whether , in many crofting areas , we would not get better land use , and a greater benefit to the nation , if we grant-aided amenity planting on the in-bye land to improve the appearance of the villages .
2 In general we should ask ourselves whether we are happy with our responses to the following questions :
3 Should we not ask ourselves whether the adulteress had a bad family upbringing , lacking in love , that she reacts in this way ?
4 His conclusions are stark : ‘ … a basic profit statement or balance sheet of any company conveys meaningless information … some [ accountants ] are definitely doing conjuring tricks and manipulating figures and the rest hopelessly losing their balance in utter confusion … we must ask ourselves whether we should be constrained by our accounting numbers and take a negative stance which dampens all entrepreneurial spirit . ’
5 The third again focuses directly upon the child but we may sometimes ask ourselves whether the dissonance between child and parents , or child and society at large , is mutual rather than child-centred .
6 We can ask ourselves if they are getting the meaning .
7 Then once more he would ask himself whether he was among the Elect or whether the Day of Grace might have already come and gone .
8 A man who receives an electric shock does not ask himself whether he believes in the form of energy known as electricity .
9 If the subject-matter is sequential , the teacher must ask himself whether it is essential that step A is known to have been mastered before the beginning of step B , and what is the essential minimum ; he will then go on to decide how the achievement of that minimum can be tested , what can be done for those who do not reach it , and whether the material is such that comprehension or insight might be expected to dawn at later stages after more exposure to the subject field .
10 Nevertheless , it is , I think , salutary that the judge who is called upon to construe statutory language should ask himself whether the meaning that is urged upon him is one which can fairly be drawn by a person of reasonable intelligence ordinarily conversant with the English language .
11 If he were tempted to decide against Mrs. McLoughlin , he would indeed ask himself whether any principled distinction could be drawn between her case and the case of mothers who recover for emotional damage suffered at the scene .
12 If the English reader does n't like this , let him ask himself if Housman 's Name and Nature of Poetry , or — touching as it is , and as Pound acknowledges — the career of Harold Monro , is not treated with as much compassionate indulgence as possible in the Criterion articles by Pound which he reprinted in Polite Essays ( 1937 ) .
13 The industrial tribunal , in judging the fairness of your employer 's actions , will often ask itself whether he :
14 Whilst this court should always be quick to identify and condemn any departure from the proper procedures , the interests of the victim and of maintaining the authority of the courts require that in deciding what use to make of its powers under section 13(3) of the Act of 1960 , this court should ask itself whether , notwithstanding such a departure , the contemnor has suffered any injustice .
15 Under the American Cyanamid decision the court must ask itself whether the plaintiff has shown ( a ) a serious question to be tried and ( b ) that the ‘ balance of convenience ’ is in his favour .
16 These are the questions a woman should ask herself before she marries :
17 About twice a day , she 'd ask herself whether this move had been right for him .
18 But these critics do not always ask themselves whether any society does not need a degree of unity in order to be a society at all , or how much diversity even a liberal society can tolerate without falling apart .
19 With the consumer industry and media boffins jamming up behind one another to support the unquestionably fine ideals of conservation , one can only wish that they would ask themselves as they prepare to board one more rolling bandwagon whether they really have anything to add to what has already been said .
20 Those who have the job of seeing that political studies libraries are kept up may well ask themselves if there is any point .
21 You should ask yourself whether you make the best of what you have , however little .
22 You can probably find things to say about how well George and Marie have gone about co-ordinating their marketing , financial and personnel activities , and you could even ask yourself whether they might not have been wiser to expand ( if that is what they still want to do ) in a different direction altogether .
23 Any proprietary bacterial/anti-parasite remedy will help , but in the long run you must ask yourself if your filtration is adequate , and whether your tank is overstocked .
24 Then I did ask myself if we would see this place again ; and when Jaffa started to disappear to our starboard , I remember I said to myself : ‘ If this ship could turn round now , I would return to Jaffa . ’
25 I also jot down the questions I did answer and ask myself if my answers were open or closed .
26 The rule was that as a member in good standing of another church ( and I was a member of the Presbyterian Church of England ) one might do so on a temporary basis ; but that if one found oneself doing so for any extended length of time , one should ask oneself whether one should not be confirmed .
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