Example sentences of "live in [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you live in a bungalow or in a mobile home , you should fix an alarm in a corridor between the living and sleeping areas .
2 If you live in a conventional two-storey house , the best place for a single alarm is above the bottom of the staircase .
3 One smoke alarm may be enough if you live in a mobile home or a small bungalow .
4 If you live in a house , one alarm fitted above the bottom of the staircase will give you some protection , but you can be better protected by fixing another alarm on the upstairs landing .
5 This can give you the earliest possible warning , especially important if you live in a big house .
6 For they live in a world of practice , where the idea of the rule of law forms an ideology or religion , replacing the waning moral power of the church ( Hughes 1987 : 29 ) .
7 ( I live in a town which has stayed the same for a thousand years beyond skirt-lengths and cars . )
8 To prevent the spread of infection ( and because we live in a throw-away society ) disposable needles are often used , although if your dog requires prolonged treatment your vet may keep a ‘ permanent ’ set especially for that purpose .
9 There was no other option as the Hurseys live in a known highrisk parvovirus area and carrying around a Great Dane puppy in a blanket to acclimatise him to street life — as one might with Yorkshire terrier pup — is hardly practical AND needs a very large owner !
10 The figure would be even higher , she adds , if the guidelines included children who live in a home where an adult has been convicted of a sexual offence with children .
11 ‘ You can not be satisfied with a system which means votes do not have equal value and where , unless you live in a marginal constituency elections pass you by on the other side .
12 He added : ‘ We live in a society in which all forms of management and leadership , however advised , are under constant challenge … .
13 It is probably the case that we live in a time when the cultural return of homosexuality exacerbates , even intensifies , the psychic return of repressed homosexuality .
14 If a Muslim , she usually marries a cousin who lives in the same village so at least the surroundings are familiar to her ; but among Hindus and Sikhs the husband 's family nearly always live in a different village ( because a woman must marry outside her kin ) .
15 What was the latest style to arrive in London , I asked three young Muslim women from Mirpur who live in a North London suburb .
16 We live in a rhythmic world .
17 ‘ We live in a good country , ’ he said .
18 I live in a one-bedroomed flat with very little cupboard space and I 'm fed up with the piles of clothes and shoes I trip over all the time .
19 ‘ When you get louts like this advising you on your scripts and your films , you live in a state of complete frustration rather than actual fear .
20 ‘ We think that music is a good thing , ’ says Tunnicliffe ; ‘ If you look at our everyday lives , many of us live in a music-filled environment so there is a reasonable chance that it will be a positive thing .
21 In many ways , the St Lawrence belugas have provided a perfect opportunity for scientists to study the effects of contaminants on a wild whale population , since they are isolated from other groups , and live in a river system known to be contaminated .
22 Croatia 's rebel Serbs live in a string of southern villages in an area called Krajina near the town of Knin , and in another string of villages in Slavonia to the north .
23 They live in a mainly white country , just as South African whites live in a mainly black one .
24 They live in a mainly white country , just as South African whites live in a mainly black one .
25 We live in a world of uncertainty , where the politicians , church leaders and others have failed .
26 We live in a world in which one third of the population consumes two thirds of the world 's resources .
27 We live in a society riddled with loneliness : loneliness in offices , in our comfortable homes , on our estates and in our flats .
28 In a sense we now live in a forgiven world .
29 ‘ If he tells me once more that his parents met at midnight on Hallowe'en and live in a riverside pub which is his and his brother 's — I do n't know what I 'll do ! ’ thought Jane .
30 Nothing you do goes unnoticed , especially if you live in a big house , as Jane discovered to her cost .
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