Example sentences of "run [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They also knew they were not connected with the humanitarian assistance programme ( NHAO ) that was eventually run for the contras by the State Department , since those aircraft were ‘ beautiful brand-new L-100s , the most beautifully painted things ’ .
2 He was scornful , too , of the humanitarian-aid programme run for the contras by the State Department through the NHAO , which Owen familiarly called the ‘ no-way , no-how ’ and the ‘ no-hope programme ’ ; the State Department itself turned up on local code-sheets as ‘ wimps ’ , the CIA as ‘ assholes ’ , the portly Shultz as ‘ Nancy ’ .
3 He scorned claims that Labour 's modest and prudent programme lacked a radical edge and scoffed at suggestions that the election was run for the entertainment of the media , rather than gaining power to serve the people .
4 Eventually , after years of effort , the mill was run for the first time in 1977 .
5 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
6 HOW many passengers spare a thought when joining their train for a main-line run for the effort which has gone into the preparation of the locomotive , turned out to perfection at the head of the train .
7 The basic and most idealistic justification of central planning is that the economy should be run for the benefit of society as a whole .
8 If it 's being run for the short-term , they reckon , that could account for a lot of its recent pragmatism .
9 Posters are far more difficult to monitor : in the past , agencies used to have their own teams of inspectors , but this is no longer done , and the only real check on the presence and condition of posters is a regular service run for the past 10 years by the Poster Advertising Bureau , which reports on the level of damage to posters , as a stimulus to the contractors to take care of their sites .
10 The print run for the catalogue last year topped 5 million copies , and the BA is expecting to beat that this year .
11 Sometimes to me Indochina looks like a Chinese colony run for the fat men of Cholon by courtesy of France . "
12 By tea-time I was aware of walking strangely , and dared not run for the little beeps my botty made .
13 On business , he declared : ‘ It must be run for the community .
14 The centre has been run for the past ten years by Richard Gill and his brother Jeff — they say that three quarters of their guests come as individuals though they are happy to take groups .
15 So the the Cooperative was basically run for the people .
16 The Manor of Halling was run for the Bishop by a bailiff , for we find in 1268 he was cross examined in an inquisition at the Manor of Halling .
17 Meanwhile young George Stevens had run for the policeman and as soon as the man made off he was cornered by a party of men returning to the factory .
18 The prospect of a man of fitzAlan 's size ever losing control , no matter what the cause , was enough to make any sane woman run for the nearest convent .
19 Meanwhile most of Ulster 's top moto cross riders will be heading for Saintfield on Saturday when the Brian Bell Memorial Trophy is run for the 24th time .
20 Startled , the pack had run for the shelter of the trees , where they had milled about uncertainly .
21 We 'll pick her up when she goes for lunch — and we 've got something to say , now , even if it 's just Run for the hills , lady . ’
22 It seemed to be run for the benefit of chaps who wanted a good time — not chaps who wanted to re-create their public schools .
23 They had run for the woods in what they stood up in .
24 As the British had retreated to the beaches of Dunkirk , the government of France had run for the southern port in case the worst should happen .
25 A Community run for the people
26 Er Harry Truman could 've run for the presidency in nineteen fifty two but chose not to .
27 Among the bidders was a landlady fighting to hold on to the country inn she 's run for the past eight years.Richard Barnett reports :
28 She had run for the county particularly in cross country events .
29 The Manor bungalows are run for the authority by private firm McIntyre .
30 ‘ The lads were tremendous and the club was run for the players .
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