Example sentences of "covered with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her auburn hair was dressed in the Roman style , her gown an ankle-length shirt of green satin covered with net .
2 ‘ Dust ’ is a painting/installation consisting of seven gesso panels ( 100cm x× 70cm ) ; the surfaces are covered with layer upon layer of egg tempera ( 150 eggs in all ) chalk dust and saturated pigment .
3 A LAWYER from a London legal firm yesterday denied touching a secretary 's breasts at a Christmas party at which he ate a chocolate penis covered with cream , writes Alastair McCall .
4 It may look like a crumbling chocolate sundae but it tastes like the finest birthday cake you ever had , covered with cream and laced with rum .
5 James , hands covered with chicken entrails , could only watch helplessly .
6 I still remember the feeling of hopelessness as I sat and looked at a board covered with arrows and lines , the words ‘ tacking ’ , ‘ rigging ’ , ‘ wind direction ’ and ‘ points of sailing ’ floating around in my head .
7 Some seed should not be covered with soil because it needs light to germinate , some needs an acid-reacting soil , and some needs a period of cold between harvest and sowing .
8 The divisions are planted so that half the rhizome is above the soil surface , as they rot if covered with soil .
9 She rose to her feet , and looked down again at the rolling hillside covered with fruit and vegetables , with grazing goats , sheep and chickens .
10 On the vast tracts of Lincoln Heath , stretching north and south of the city for some seventy miles , Arthur Young found ‘ a large range which formerly was covered with heath , gorse , etc. , yielding in fact little or no produce , converted by enclosure to profitable arable farms … and a very extensive country all studded with new farmhouses , offices , and every appearance of thriving industry … ’
11 Such rafters as can be procured are then raised for a roof , and covered with heath , which makes a strong and warm thatch …
12 For example , to Mrs Thrale he described the scene of this famed moment of quietude briefly — ‘ on a green bank , with a small stream running at my feet , in the midst of savage solitude , with Mountains before me , and on either hand covered with heath ’ — then commented , ‘ I looked round me , and wondered that I was not more affected , but the mind is not at all times equally ready to be put in motion . ’
13 The walls are covered with posters illustrative of various radical causes — nuclear disarmament , women 's liberation , the protection of whales — and a large reproduction of Dante Gabriel Rossetti 's painting , ‘ The Lady of Shalott ’ , which might seem incongruous unless you have heard Robyn expound its iconic significance as a matrix of male stereotypes of the feminine .
14 The headlights of the Fiat swept from one side of the narrow winding road to the other , picking out an area of ploughed field , a thicket of scrub oaks with last year 's brown leaves still clinging to the branches , an ancient wooden cart fitted with modern lorry tyres , an abandoned barn covered with posters for a dance band called ‘ The Lads of the Adriatic ’ , a dirt track leading off into the hills .
15 The windows , covered with stone grids , conjure up the bars on prison windows .
16 This kettle , is covered with scale , now look , see Twelve point six is asking you which one of these is causing the problem ?
17 twelve point seven , because it 's in hard water , it 's covered with scale , calcium carbonate .
18 Others have been covered with flower pots to hide the traces of the student occupation or scars left by the tracks of tanks and armoured personnel carriers .
19 Far removed from a few simple flowers and greenery , this is an elaborate screen covered with flower petals stuck into clay to form a picture .
20 The woman 's face was covered with shreds of baby as she fell on the road .
21 They went in behind Sir George , who waved his huge cone of light around the dark , cramped , circular space , illuminating a semi-circular bay window , a roof carved with veined arches and mock-mediaeval ivy-leaves , felt-textured with dust , a box-bed with curtains still hanging , showing a dull red under their pall of particles , a fantastically carved black wooden desk , covered with beading and scrolls , and bunches of grapes and pomegranates and lilies , something that might have been either a low chair or a prie-dieu , heaps of cloth , an old trunk , two band boxes , a sudden row of staring tiny white faces , one , two , three , propped against a pillow .
22 The interior is covered with plasterboard which is then skimmed with plaster so that when the house is finished it is impossible to distinguish visually between this and the traditional structure where the load-bearing walls are solid brick or concrete blocks .
23 Wing was a one piece semi-monocoque cantilever structure , with ribs and stringers , covered with 24ST ‘ Alclad ’ sheet .
24 With sufficient strength left , my legs bleeding and covered with burns , I ran to Fonds-Saint-Denis , six kilometres from St Pierre .
25 Just before he entered the city , he was transferred to a ‘ miserable and worn out animal , covered with filth ’ .
26 A whole pine forest produces so much pollen that ponds become covered with curds of it — and all of it wasted .
27 The windows were barred with white painted shutters covered with curtains of crimson velvet , her feet rested on a Turkey carpet and the walls were as thickly covered with pictures as if they had been pages in a stamp collection .
28 We did n't let that stop us , though — almost overnight , it seemed , Amsterdam was covered with Stop The Clause graffiti , especially along the canal banks .
29 Except that in the capital city of Palestine , a city covered with soldiers , it was possible to have Arab riots in which six Jews were slain and no soldiers around to prevent it .
30 The desk was covered with copies of his propaganda news-sheet , and several colourfully produced pamphlets .
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