Example sentences of "passed by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then there is the slack legislation passed by parliamentarians far removed from the sharp end of society and the liberal-minded intellectuals living in ‘ Cloud-cuckoo-land ’ where tolerance for the assailant takes precedence over the suffering of the victim .
2 Elderly ladies with maroon hats fitting closely over tight grey curls turn slowly , dragging their sticks , to look at people who have passed by minutes before .
3 Eventually the estate passed by marriage to the Burlingtons .
4 In 1753 the estate again passed by marriage , this time to the Devonshire family , who held it for almost 100 years .
5 But on the run to the post Bassetja was passed by Velma and the useful Top Generation , although she was only a length behind the runner-up at the finish .
6 The crucial moment when children realise that their parents are younger than they are had long since been passed by Martha .
7 The suit passed by descent through his widow 's sister 's family and has remained at Sausmarez Manor on the island of Guernsey until now .
8 The last story — the ’ death sentence ’ passed by Khomeini on Salman Rushdie for ’ blasphemy ’ .
9 After the Tower Report was published in February 1987 , and the PROF notes revealed that had passed by computer between the characters , the basement became home to a band of five-o'clock-shadowed Boy Scouts delighting in their own secrecy .
10 Both Gillian Ayres and Bridget Riley have now been passed by Turner 's Prize .
11 They walk and are passed by head to head contact .
12 Driver Helen Challoner who was passed by bike and car estimated their speed at around a hundred mills an hour and said there was no more than a car 's length between them .
13 At Chatley Heath , south-west of the village , is a brick tower built in 1823 to relay messages passed by semaphore between Portsmouth and the Admiralty in London .
14 For us an Act of Parliament duly passed by Lords and Commons and assented to by the King , is supreme , and we are bound to give effect to its terms …
15 Later a bypass was provided for the Gotthard traffic , and since the Swiss through-road from Basel to Chiasso ( on the Italian frontier ) was finally completed in 1986 , fast through traffic using the road from Basel has no longer passed by way of canton Schwyz and Axenstrasse .
16 The gigantic figure had passed by Frankenstein as if the latter did not exist .
17 Time is passed by reading , writing , listening to music , playing cards , doing jigsaws , etc .
18 Eggs passed by lambs , from worm burdens which have accrued from the ingestion of overwintered larvae , also contribute to the pasture contamination .
19 Baldwin and Samuel said that they were willing to serve under the Prime Minister and render all help possible to carry on the Government as a National Emergency Government until an emergency bill or bills had been passed by Parliament , which would restore once more British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
20 This was accomplished quickly and the appropriate legislation was passed by Parliament in April .
21 The new Civil Aviation Bill was passed by Parliament in August 1946 .
22 Although the act has been passed by Parliament , it is not operative at the moment .
23 The success of the policing operation during the miners ' strike was not due to new laws passed by Parliament to give the authorities greater powers .
24 Q What about the Sex Discrimination Act passed by Parliament ?
25 The need for speed meant that the training packs were based on information drafts that had not yet been passed by Parliament , let alone checked , so inevitably errors crept in .
26 A number of Acts permitting enclosure were passed by parliament in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , and the Combsburgh Enclosure Award ( the granting of fields to be enclosed by people who , up to that time , had common grazing rights ) was , in 1858 , based on an Act of 1836 .
27 The Public Order Act of 1936 was passed by Parliament to control political rallies and marches by the British Union of Fascists and the counter-demonstrations which such rallies provoked .
28 In 1540 , however , although he strongly opposed them in the House of Lords , the Six Articles of Religion were passed by parliament , including those on transubstantiation and celibacy of the clergy .
29 While , in the majority of states , the legislature is limited by the constitution in what it can or can not do , the traditional view here is that Parliament is subject to no such legal limitation and that our courts have no power to declare laws duly passed by Parliament invalid .
30 ( d ) Laws passed by Parliament could not be challenged by the courts .
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