Example sentences of "ask [pn reflx] [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 I think that Lawrence gives us our first clue in the writing of dialogue : that we must listen and , having listened , ask ourselves how we feel about the voice we 've just heard .
2 We should also note that there are at least two different factors which may lead us to feel that some notion deserves emphasis ; one of course is contrast with another property that might have been expressed ; the second is salience of the notion within the particular situation envisaged ; this would presumably be true for : ( 16 ) Geraldine told us a long story about bee-keepers With these points in mind , we should now compare ( 15 ) with ( 17 ) and ask ourselves how much emphasis of either kind is present in ( 17 ) , provided that it is not " read in " in order to support the hypothesis : ( 17 ) the ideas discussed will be put to our colonel topics suitable could include divorce and bankruptcy buildings adjacent will be closed for three days Since there is no doubt that these sentences might be used in situations where the property of the adjective would not be contrastive , the only candidate which may have any plausibility is the " salient on this occasion " variety , though there does not seem to be very strong reason to believe that in all cases where these sentences could be used the adjective property will be salient ; we return to this later .
3 he must of ask himself where it , where are all the newspapers
4 Did Boy ever ask himself why he did n't dream about men , when he got home from The Bar — why he had instead these strange dreams of shoots , bulbs and roots ; roots kept in the dark , waiting to flower , needing a gardener 's attention ?
5 As a moral imperative , far from being incommensurable with his previous considerations , it merely adds others similar in kind ; he now has to see things from his parents ' viewpoint as well as his own , consider their health and resources , ask himself how much they have done to arouse his gratitude or his rancour , whether his staying would really do them any good , whether he can get on with them without quarrelling , and add all this to the information which he must assimilate before he lets the needle of his internal compass finally settle in the direction of Bali or of home .
6 Why do not the Bishops of England and Wales sit down and ask themselves why there is a shortage of priests , why there are not many vocations , and why laity are lapsing in numbers , including many young people ?
7 ‘ Women ask themselves why they do n't look like us , ’ she remarks in Lindbergh 's film .
8 Did the elderly have minds like old wardrobes stuffed to overflowing with useless memories and take them out sometimes and look at them and ask themselves why they were there ?
9 Ask yourself why , for example , no one has made The Pete Townshend Story , with its denouement in the offices of Faber & Faber publishing , or Jagger ! , complete with barnstorming finale in the pavilion at Lord 's .
10 If so , ask yourself why this is .
11 Ask yourself why this is .
12 If this is true , ask yourself why he should do so ?
13 In a loving way , ask yourself why you did that ?
14 Instead of allowing this to be a frustrating and pointless event , ask yourself why you created it .
15 Then ask yourself why you created this experience .
16 Ask yourself why . "
17 Ask yourself why you wear such clothes .
18 If you are in a Grade between 7–10 but are not participating in the Association , ask yourself why ?
19 Ask yourself why they hold such negative attitudes .
20 If you doubt me , ask yourself where is my army ?
21 So I 'm not saying th th that there are n't these th the important other inputs , but , but what I am saying is that if you ask yourself where the kind of gene behaviour interface really exists is clearly in the human er in , in the human mind and it may be that the basic kind of parameters erm have , have been set for our emotions and I really do n't see how we can change those .
22 So , come and see the different faces of Rhodes and ask yourself how there can possibly be so much in one place .
23 Ask yourself how it makes you feel , what memories it arouses within you and whether you enjoy the sensation .
24 Ask yourself how the fish trade continues to flourish ?
25 If you desire a loving , intimate relationship , ask yourself how you would think , feel and behave if you were in that relationship — and do it now .
26 Ask yourself how you would respond if you were the ‘ victim ’ , and what form of compensation would be appropriate .
27 Ask yourself how many times an attacking fullback burst into the line to release his outside runners .
28 Everyone is telling Mr Honecker what he should do , the East and West Germans openly , the Soviets more subtly : ask yourselves why people are leaving and save your country through reform .
29 Agree or ask yourselves why you agree .
30 When Maire Carroll 's mother said thoughtfully to Eve , ‘ Do you know I always ask myself why a sensible woman like Mother Francis would let you out on the street looking like Little Orphan Annie , ’ Benny 's brow darkened .
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