Example sentences of "unable [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They can never realize the parental aspiration other than in a superficial way , and they are left not only with the envy of the sex they were meant to be , but also unable to enjoy the sex which they are and the advantages which pertain to it .
2 Indeed , it is not unusual for someone recently retired ( and perhaps looking forward to it ) to find themselves coping with sharply increasing dependency of their parents and unable to enjoy the period of active leisure which they were anticipating .
3 As many as a quarter of British houses may be unable to erect a dish that can be lined up with the satellite with enough accuracy for good reception .
4 Uncharacteristically , France even looked unable to combat the streetwise tactics of the Welsh .
5 One problem that can arise is that of a particular school being full and so unable to accommodate the newly arrived expatriate 's children .
6 Where the former used the full vocabulary of informality , and seemed unprepared or unable to accommodate the possibility that alternative viewpoints might exist , the latter were more aware of the limitations of progressivism , both as an idea and as a basis for practice .
7 It is significant that charity law was unable to accommodate the modern contemporary social welfare and recreational trusts that developed in the 1940s and 1950s and legislation had to be passed to deem them charitable , provided the public benefit element was there .
8 Their bodies seem unable to sense a high intake and continue to manufacture cholesterol in excess of requirements .
9 As a result of the 1988 Immigration Act , Prakesh is unable to appeal the deportation order .
10 As has been mentioned , our limited resources made it impossible to examine the circumstances leading up to the arrest which might , or might not , explain this finding , and we were also unable to interview the police on this matter .
11 Detective Chief Superintendent Cole , the final witness at the inquest , said he was unable to interview the two arresting constables , as they had been advised by their solicitors not to answer questions .
12 One disadvantage of the bilevel drive in this form is that it is unable to counter-act the motional voltage and this voltage has been neglected in the analysis of drive circuit performance .
13 Weakened by internal conflict , CND was unable to mount an effective large-scale protest when the first cruise missiles finally arrived .
14 It is above all a crisis of and for British capitalism , but it is one in which the working class and its organisations have been unable to mount an effective resistance , let alone develop an effective struggle for a socialist solution : Conservative ideas and values may not be pervasive amongst working-class people , but they were sufficiently popular in 1983 to deliver 32 per cent of trade unionists ' votes to the Conservative Party .
15 But as events were to show , the cardinal was unable to transmit the finesse .
16 A devolution bill in the parliamentary session 1976–7 failed because of backbench Labour objections : the government was unable to carry the guillotine motion to curb debate which was essential if the bill was to reach the Statute Book .
17 Unable to carry the rest of the council with him , Joe Esseff would later resign the chairmanship of the CLAO in disgust , but meanwhile , on 3 March , he took Coleman to Paris to introduce him to Aoun 's senior advisers .
18 Hence , even where force is used in self-defence in response to the first use of violence the employment of a greater degree of force than that used by the attacker , or the continued use of force beyond the point where the attacker is willing or unable to continue the attack would not be seen as legitimate in law .
19 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , I regret to have to inform you that , due to an accident to Mr. Banks , we will be unable to continue the performance . ’
20 Without that , British Coal will be unable to continue the present level of redundancy pay or the redeployment , retraining or job placement schemes that it supports .
21 Unfortunately , the voyage onward from Flinders ' Island was curtailed by a horrifying incident that left Gould in a state of shock and unable to continue the expedition .
22 Though the campaign scarcely gripped the imagination as the victories in the west had done — some reports hinted that the significance of the campaign had not been properly grasped , and that the victories had been unable to affect the popular mood for more than a very short time — it seemed to provide yet another example of Hitler 's strategic genius .
23 A young aspirant conductor , F.Charles Adler , and instrumentalists of the calibre of Carl Fuchs of the Manchester College of Music , rehearsed for Christmas Eve an orchestra of 25 and a chorus of 100 the Messiah ( ‘ realised ’ by feverish copyists , unable to arrange the score for male voices .
24 Paul Jordan was unable to lodge an official complaint about the doctor because he missed the deadline for procedings .
25 The overwhelming impression left after the debate is of a Tory Party spilt from top to toe over Europe , and a Prime Minister unable to heal the rift .
26 Eventually he finds himself at 500 feet , unable to see a good field ahead , unable to remember the wind direction , and trying to select a field with very little choice .
27 Of course this is a self-destructive and lonely ‘ solution' ; Lucy herself admits that she has got caught up in a pattern of starving and bingeing which she is at the moment unable to see a way out of .
28 being unable to see a hazard in dim lighting , especially on stairs and in passageways and halls .
29 My policy , which I believe the committee accepts , is that our regulatory process should be such that any other committee or body appointed to replace us ( should that ever happen ) would adopt the same procedures because they were unable to see a better , fairer way of doing things .
30 It is more a matter of approaching the book 's arguments from within a milieu of relatively academic contemporary art theory and being unable to see the wood for the trees .
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