Example sentences of "treated with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the next scene Macbeth , speaking alone and with no need to deceive anyone ( given the convention in Elizabethan drama that what characters say in soliloquy is true ) , admits the evil of their ‘ deep intent ’ : Duncan is ‘ clear ’ , really has that freedom from guilt or stain that his wife had urged Macbeth to assume : in a sense he tries to do so here , in his defence of Duncan 's right to be treated with love and respect , and in his invocation of ‘ pity ’ , that constant test of humanity in Shakespeare .
2 Our patients treated with HRT , however , show significant improvements in their own right .
3 Worldwide there are now many millions of patients who have been successfully treated with ciprofloxacin either in hospital or as outpatients in general practice .
4 Those who 'd been treated with AZT fared no better than for those who had n't .
5 The blight of cellulite is so big that in France it is recognised as a medical condition and treated with medicines available on prescription .
6 For example , haem oxygenase is a major stress protein in human cells treated with oxidants , and reactive oxygen intermediates activate NF- B , a transcriptional regulator of genes involved in inflammatory and acute-phase responses .
7 However , when analysed on an intention-to-treat basis with inclusion of the 4 patients who were not treated with NIPPV , 2 of whom died , the survival advantage was lower : 3/30 vs 9/30 ( relative risk=0.33 , CI=0.10 to 1.11 , p=0.106 ) .
8 Johnson 's superiority complex goes on show : while there , he used the power of his frown and his supervening wit to silence MacAulay 's disregard for the English clergy : ‘ This is a day of novelties : I have seen old trees in Scotland , and I have heard the English clergy treated with disrespect . ’
9 The demographic details of the patients are shown in Table I. The groups were comparable for age , smoking , and drinking habits but those not treated with NSAID were more likely to have abdominal complaints .
10 In addition , a total of 19 ( 29% ) patients treated with NSAID were found to have peptic ulcers , compared with seven ( 11% ) patients who were not taking NSAID .
11 It is also worth noting that the prevalence of H pylori in patients treated with NSAID was 34 of 64 ( 53% ) compated with 43 of 60 ( 72% ) ( p<0.05 ) in patients not taking NSAID , using the standard tests ( see Table III ) .
12 These observations , like chemical gastritis , might also help us understand the low specificity of our tests , especially in patients treated with NSAID , who have a low prevalence of H pylori .
13 The sensitivity of Bio-Rad GAP Test IgG described in our study is almost identical to that found by another groups , but the lower specificity could be explained by one or more of the following : their reliance on histology as a standard , which might be difficult to interpret in the presence of very few organisms ; the exclusion from their study of patients with chronic superficial or atrophic gastritis in whom H pylori was not identified , thus reducing the number of true negatives ; the relatively high number of cases of chemical gastritis in their H pylori negative group without specifying whether these patients had been treated with NSAID ; and the presence in their H pylori positive group of chronic atrophic gastritis in 117 of 160 ( 73% ) , which may have been paralleled by a rise in the number of false positive cases .
14 To ensure that conjugates were not non-specifically bound to eosinophils , control sections were treated with 1% chromotrope 2 R.
15 Even small , subapical segments of dodder ( C. reflexa ) , incubated in glass dishes , can produce haustoria when treated with cytokinin .
16 A MANOVA was performed , which allows serial measurements to be analysed , and xenografts treated with the histamine concentrations of 1 mgkg - 1 were significantly different from the controls ( p=0.008 ) whereas xenografts treated with histamine concentrations of 0.1 and 10 mgkg - 1 were not .
17 It was found that xenografts treated with histamine were significantly greater than the controls ( p=0.034 ) .
18 The ‘ spontaneous ’ strivings of the working class were treated with distrust bordering on disdain .
19 But Mrs Strachan 's evidence was treated with disdain by council solicitor , Mr Richard Humphreys .
20 No difference in the platelet-aggregate ratio was found between a group of 15 diabetics diagnosed after the age of 30 years ( six treated with insulin ) , some of whom had vascular complications compared to age- and sex-matched controls .
21 Although perhaps a case can be made for self monitoring by patients treated with insulin , there is no evidence to justify this expensive and uncomfortable practice for most people with non-insulin treated diabetes .
22 Glaucoma — treated with diosgenin from the West African calabar bean
23 Since it was desirable that penitents should not be treated with rigour by one bishop and with mercy by a neighbouring bishop , a common policy was needed .
24 In that series , however , 18 f 22 patients were treated with endoscopy without performing Doppler ultrasound investigation .
25 Currently , less than 3000 children in the US , who are deficient in growth hormone , are being treated with hormone that is derived from the pituitaries of dead people .
26 Clinical remission was seen in 18 of 32 patients treated with 5-ASA and 12 of 31 patients treated with bismuth citrate — carbomer ( ) .
27 In addition , none of the patients had been treated with bismuth preparations or with immunosuppressive therapy .
28 One possibility is the use of a glass panel treated with uranium oxide and the rare earth element neodymium in order to increase the absorption of light
29 As John Scoble , with his intolerantly rigid evangelical attitudes , rose to become a prominent administrator and organiser of antislavery bodies , he became a target as a sectarian who had apparently denounced one liberal-minded Quaker reformer as ‘ degenerate ’ for suggesting that the heathen might be treated with mercy .
30 Since the individual estimates within specific tables are subject to errors varying in degree , the estimates given for any one season should be treated with reserve .
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