Example sentences of "whereas in the " in BNC.

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1 Whereas in the air pilots may make good decisions and behave responsibly , on the ground they may feel that each move is being watched and criticised by the other members .
2 It is impossible to watch the towplane and the ground ahead during the climb out so that in the event of a launch failure the glider pilot has to look for a field , whereas in the normal tow position he has a good view of the fields ahead all the time .
3 Whereas in the past the boards would say that advanced calculators could be used without additional calculating programmes or memory banks , such programmes and data banks are incorporated in the latest generation of machines as a matter of course .
4 Introducing the Arts Council 's annual report , Mr Palumbo , a highly successful property developer , pointed out that the public sector gave five times as much as the private sector in Britain , whereas in the United States 90 per cent of the arts were funded by private donations .
5 So , whereas in the psychoanalytic account , homophobia might well signal the precariousness and instability of identity , even of sexual difference itself , in the materialist socio-political account it typically signals the reverse , namely that sexual difference is being secured , homophobia being ‘ a mechanism for regulating the behaviour of the many by the specific oppression of a few ’ ( Sedgwick , Between Men , 88 ) .
6 But whereas in the early 1920s , cheapie production had constituted almost the entirety of British filmmaking , in the 1930s there existed a more ambitious production sector running in parallel .
7 They also aim to resettle promising farmers , whereas in the early 1980s it was the poorest , not the most successful , who were given newly purchased land .
8 So , for example , with regard to observance of the Passover , the pre-exilic ruling was for ‘ thee and thy son ’ , with no further qualification , to keep the feast , whereas in the exilic and post-exilic legislation the ordinance was modified to count only those who had been circumcised .
9 I picked up the nearest coil and began to gather it up , but whereas in the summer heat the pipe had been soft and flexible , it now had the consistency of a steel cable and was like trying to lift a bedframe designed by Salvador Dali .
10 He added : ‘ Whereas in the previous downturn in the 1980s when a lot of cyclical companies were haemorraging cash , this time the pressure on profits has not been at the expense of their financial position . ’
11 Whereas in the AKT an upward trend is indicative of success , the reverse is true for the DPQ , that is , the lowering of risk level represents a shift towards having instilled or reinforced responsible drinking attitudes and behaviour .
12 Three-quarters of MPs receive between 20 and 50 letters a day , whereas in the 1960s they would have had this many in a week .
13 Whereas in the 6th edition the re-written §246 dismisses the above as ‘ all my experience permitted me to say at the time … and that his research of the previous five years had wholly solved the difficulties of repetition .
14 The significant difference was that in rural areas Fatah tended to rule alone , whereas in the camps and towns , the radicals posed a strong challenge .
15 Whereas in the classic Italian historical novel , Manzoni 's The Betrothed ( 1827 ) , much admired by Eco , the omniscience of the author consists in his ability to probe at will into the psychology of his characters and , at the same time , to link this to broad historical movements and even some sense of a providential ‘ plot ’ in history , in Eco it is closer to the power of the master craftsman who can make what he will with the materials to hand , and unmake it too .
16 Both areas will be far below optimum today but — and this is the important point — in the one case the land can be brought back to full production easily , whereas in the other case a long and costly process of fertility building will be necessary .
17 In the latter case it may even be a matter of reading one page in one session , whereas in the former you may be able to read and study a chapter — or even two .
18 Whereas in the early church believers were discipled through the teaching and corporate life of the Christian community , the third and fourth centuries saw many of the devout withdrawing to the Egyptian and Syrian deserts to pray and give themselves to spiritual warfare .
19 It is ironic that early in this century the ubiquitous ranchbred Hereford of the western USA became too small in the bone and Beef Shorthorns were imported from Scotland to boost the Hereford 's size , whereas in the second half of the century the American Herefords have become much taller than those in Britain and are being re-imported to boost the height of the native herds .
20 In 1770 there were frequent references to the white-and-red type in the Dendre valley , whereas in the south of East Flanders the population was uniformly red .
21 But in the action samples the costs increased six-fold in Ipswich and three-fold in Newham between referral and third assessment , whereas in the control samples they only doubled in both Ipswich and Newham .
22 However , the increase in SSA enrolments was 24 per cent , only just keeping up with population growth , whereas in the final matriculation year ( Standard Ten ) , the increase was 327 per cent .
23 There are culturally determined practices related to eye contact , for example certain aborigines , to be polite , do not look into each other 's eyes as they talk , whereas in the Western world it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation .
24 In this case , however , methodological issues are tackled from a largely user standpoint , whereas in the previous part they were viewed as substantive problems in their own right .
25 It was true that in the 1880s youth work had meant philanthropy and religion , whereas in the 1900s it was felt to be the responsibility of local education authorities , juvenile employment committees , after-care committees and part-time day continuation classes in liberal and vocational studies .
26 Whereas in the Ruhr Coal Basin i.e. at the southern margin of the N.W. German Basin , this first coalification was the only one ( in places at least the predominant one ) because , there , the coal reached its deepest level of subsidence and its highest rock temperature before the Asturian folding ( which occurred at the boundary between Westphalian D and Stephanian ) , this late Variscan folding combined with an uplift of the Carboniferous , was much less intense further to the north .
27 At the Ruhr and also in the Münsterland Basin the Rm-values reflect mainly the age of the Westphalian units : in the Westphalian C values < 1% Rm were recorded , whereas in the Westphalian B and A values > 1% Rm were found .
28 The total potential net pay exhibited by the Aabenraa patch reef is about 24 m whereas in the inter-reef area at Hønning , it is probably only about 10 m .
29 It also seems to be roughly true that in domestic breeds of sheep the horns are more tightly coiled — they display greater torsion — whereas in the wild the horns of many antelopes are long , straight , extended twists .
30 Whereas in the past there have been various pressure groups setting themselves up as having a special reason for being heard thanks to their scientific credentials , perhaps the wisest comment on this came from the professor who , while urging scientists to make their voices heard , also urged them not to make any special claims to knowledge or understanding of the issues just because they were scientists .
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