Example sentences of "follows from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It follows from much of the above that there are major challenges in use of environmental data .
2 On this view , theories are deductive systems of thought in which " facts " are deduced from higher order principles , much like geometricians effect a proof by showing how the conclusion logically follows from one or two general premises or postulates .
3 Moreover , it also follows from such a substitution amounting to a refusal that the provisions relating to the grounds on which an application for a renewal of a licence can be refused ( s. 17(2) ) , and the right of appeal against such a refusal are applicable ( s.17(4) ) .
4 A far more satisfactory , if idiosyncratic , account of the cultural contexts within which modern commodities operate is provided by Appadurai ( 1986 ) , especially in the introduction to this varied set of essays and examples , which follows from traditional anthropological concern with the nature of exchange .
5 Much of the history of the Middle Ages follows from that fact , as the papacy struggled to separate the concept of the Empire from the property of any one dynasty , and the emperors strove to make of the Church an instrument of state .
6 The latter is what follows from that , prints in the case of a graphic artist , editions for the sculptor .
7 Perhaps nothing follows from that .
8 It follows from that objective that the nature of social space can vary , and hence that such variation must occur between places .
9 It follows from that provision , and in particular from the passage which I have emphasised , that it is necessary to reject the United Kingdom 's argument that no infringement of article 52 has taken place because the nationality requirements do not prevent nationals of other member states from establishing themselves in the United Kingdom and operating fishing vessels there , but only from doing so under the British flag : British citizens are not subject to that restriction .
10 It all follows from that word ‘ in ’ .
11 What follows from that is that the last thing we should do is to introduce policies that are almost specifically designed simply to increase unemployment .
12 This behaviour follows from that depicted in figure 8.2 .
13 I do n't think there 's a remote possibility that it 's going to hang about in a kind of semi-derelict state er , because erm somebody 's invested in infrastructure , altered its character but there are no takers for erm for the the development which follows from that .
14 Then , it follows from that , that understanding Shakespeare , and keeping the understanding of Shakespeare alive , is also a good , because if for example this great , rich and wonderful thing were simply there in the world and no one could see him and no one could understand him and no one was any longer thinking or talking about him , that also would be a secondary impoverishment .
15 Their productions this year 's follows from Rear Door , Split and Warp are in fact a mixture of choreographed and improvised movement .
16 For instance , endothelin-1 infusion greatly increases the hyperplasia that follows from balloon-catheter injury of arterial vessels ( ) .
17 It follows from these conjectures that members of literate societies have the possibility of developing logical functions , of specialising in the ‘ truth functions ’ of language , and of extracting themselves from the embeddedness of everyday social life .
18 It follows from these passages from the coroner 's affidavit that he did not consider whether it was appropriate to hold an inquest to investigate whether this was a case in which the cause of death was aggravated by lack of care .
19 Its practical bearing follows from these aims ; for by constructing concepts , forms of argument and criteria of evidence which attain some degree of objectivity and universality , political sociology , to the extent that it is diffused through society , has an effect on ideologies and on political consciousness generally , and so contributes to the shaping of political action .
20 It follows from those answers that the Commission 's action against the United Kingdom for failure to fulfil its obligations is well founded and hence the court should declare in Commission of the European Communities v. United Kingdom ( Case C 246/89 ) that , by imposing the nationality requirements enshrined in sections 13 and 14 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1988 , the United Kingdom has failed to fulfil its obligations under articles 52 and 221 of the E.E.C .
21 That the preparation of a development plan should be a matter of self-training follows from those steps which the SDPP suggests , for instance , in auditing the curriculum : check whether the planned curriculum meets the statutory requirement ; identify possible gaps or overlap between subject areas ; ensure that where two or more subjects or activities are concerned with the same range of objectives , this is recognized and used positively ; analyse the curriculum for each year group in terms of curriculum objectives within and outside the National Curriculum ; decide in which part of the school curriculum to locate work leading to the National Curriculum and other school curriculum objectives ; assess how much teaching time is available and how best to use it ; compare planned provision with actual provision ; judge whether curriculum issues need to be among priorities of development ( DES 1989e : 7 )
22 In the following example ( 5 ) , the speaker does not directly assert that one property ( being brave ) follows from another property ( being an Englishman ) , but the form of expression used conventionally implicates that such a relation does hold .
23 What we study follows from theoretical or more broadly , disciplinary concerns rather than technical matters .
24 It also follows from this that understanding consciousness would not be sufficient for understanding mental processes .
25 And it follows from this calculatedly vague ‘ something more ’ that the Napoleonic idea does n't settle the question of motive either .
26 Moreover , it follows from this necessity for an absolute sovereign , that an eventual transfer of allegiance is inevitable when the ‘ sovereign ’ fails to govern , and keep the civil peace .
27 For it follows from this distinction that we see only the appearances of things , images of them in our minds , not the things themselves , ‘ so that , for aught we know , all we see , hear , and feel , may be only phantom and vain chimera , and not at all agree with the real things ’ .
28 What follows from this analysis , of course , is that concurrent interference as an explanation of latent inhibition is open to the same objections as were raised to Wagner 's theory .
29 What follows from this account is that the effect produced by a change of context in the conditioned suppression paradigm will vary according to the amount of initial conditioning .
30 Some hold that it follows from this that the priest must be male :
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