Example sentences of "worked [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The old seamen worked the sea .
2 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
3 Two centuries , thousands of lives , in a museum where the building is a part of the display , where the feet of visitors follow the path of the people who once worked the canals .
4 It did look good from the outside , even at this time of the year , an eighteenth-century fenland cottage , half-timbered and thatch-roofed , originally built as a home for the man who worked the sluice gates .
5 In his later years Bunyan spent much of his time visiting and overseeing nearby congregations , whilst his son worked the forge .
6 Although the pre-Inca inhabitants of Colombia and Ecuador worked the metal satisfactorily , apparently by primitive powder metallurgy , this was naturally in very small quantities .
7 In the library where Ianthe worked the approach of Christmas had made itself felt , though it would be too much to say that any particularly Christmas spirit or noticeable increase of goodwill could be discerned , even though Shirley had hung up a few coloured paper chains .
8 Karen Binns worked the door at various Manhattan clubs .
9 ‘ My old man worked the river all his life , doing deliveries , pick-ups .
10 As she worked the crochet table-mats her mother had ordered , the intricate sequence of stitches could blot out for a moment or two the scenes that daily since that Easter feast she had staged between herself and Tommaso Talvi .
11 Ian sculled , Dhani worked the rudder .
12 He worked the rudder pedals to show them .
13 There was the high-class brothel , managed by Michael Lee , which operated out of the house across the park from Katherine 's own home , and then there were the dozen or so girls — the pick of the brothel girls — who worked the society parties .
14 Lang thought Churchill ( from this point of view only ) the worst prime minister who ever worked the system .
15 Still on his knees , Grant raised the shotgun and , ignoring the protest from his injured bicep , worked the cocking mechanism and fired at the nightmarish , clawing figure before him .
16 Well describing all those super videos er worked the oracle .
17 If everything worked the deer would kill themselves , impaling their bodies on the wall of bamboo stakes .
18 They were , Mahmoud explained , the beggars who normally worked the part of the river where Leila 's body had come ashore .
19 Kitty knew them as well as any animal , as intimately as the dogs who worked the sheep and hunted the foxes and badgers and otters .
20 He worked the blade into the slot and waggled it about .
21 His grandfather worked the coalface and his father was a Miners ' Union official .
22 There was no point in her dropping out and wrecking the film and , in any case , for as long as she worked the film company would pick up Maisie 's crippling Canadian hospital bills .
23 Well he worked the slates from outside you know .
24 They worked the mill for five years , after which Edward Palling , who also ran Brookhouse mill , took over .
25 They subsequently worked the mill to great effect , but fluctuations in trade caused problems for them among others .
26 By the 1930s , Wyman had been replaced by Charles Dee , who worked the mill throughout the decade .
27 He worked the pump action frantically to eject the spent cartridge and reload .
28 Grimly he worked the pump action to eject the load , closing his mind to the thought of the wall and ceiling smeared with his brain matter , when he put the muzzle in his mouth and pulled the trigger .
29 GWR engines worked the turn for about six weeks .
30 Quickly , Forster worked the bar again , and again .
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