Example sentences of "to show the [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Mr Major 's aides signalled he will use Llangollen to show the Government can , and does , face up to tough long-term decisions .
32 Dressed in authentic costumes , enacting the part of rogues in a street brawl , they playfully put on a display of fisticuffs to show the system of fines in the 1600s .
33 But the dealers were alert to new traces , if only because a single coin — the bronze ears of barley on the local currency of Rubi , with Demeter 's garlanded head on the obverse — might lead , like a broken twig , a crackle of a dry leaf , to greater treasure ; the boys could earn a lustrous fizzy drink from the new carbonator , or a cigarette in the cafe , with a promise to show the location of the trivial find .
34 It is usual for an interviewer to show the candidate to the door with a few final words .
35 Furhtermore , Mr. gave me a drawing to show the kind of working drawing BW engineers expected .
36 An abdominal radiograph failed to show the endoprosthesis , its absence confirmed at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography which also showed a 1 cm stone within the duct ( presumably migrated from the gall bladder ) which was successfully extracted .
37 To show the effects of this process , consider a labour market in which there is a powerful trade union which resists wage cuts and uses its bargaining strength in an attempt to raise its members ' real wages .
38 Similarly , a child who has been receiving some form of individual help from a clinician , teacher or parent , might be expected to show the effects of that treatment and a comparison of changes over time on the basis of formal assessments would be an appropriate way of obtaining relevant information .
39 It was also used to show the effects of anticodon point mutations on the potential of the nucleotides at position 34 and 37 in the anticodon loop of yeast tRNAs to be modified .
40 In a moment are seen the paradisiac regions , as if the curtains of the moments have parted to show the gardens of reality that remain hidden to everyday sight .
41 The rich North has yet to show the will to solve its own cocaine problem by solving Bolivia 's economic problem .
42 This presumably allowed him to show the orchestra in an optimally effective role at all times , in the transition to Classical style .
43 Key testimony has been broadcast live on television and radio to help keep the city fully abreast of the proceedings and to show the wheels of justice turning .
44 His ‘ tortoises ’ , displayed at the Festival of Britain in 1951 , were designed to show the interaction of two sensory systems — light- and touch-sensitive control mechanisms ( in effect two nerve cells with visual and tactile inputs ) .
45 To a man the ‘ A ’ team will be eager to show the Essex captain what they can do .
46 Nixon 's three summits with Brezhnev in 1972–4 , SALT and the end of US involvement in Vietnam ( January 1973 ) seemed to show the benefits of a relaxation in tension , yet many agreements with Russia drew criticism .
47 They may receive feedback from those to whom they are willing and able to show the text at a draft stage .
48 ww3.pcx Which directories will be searched can be set by pressing the Search button , and then changing the Search path msdos1.pcx Having set the prompt to show the text ‘ What now Fred ? ‘ , the next command sets it back to show the current drive and directory
49 Each turn in the progression is demonstrated just once and there is not time to show the beginner Annabel developing any rhythm in her skiing .
50 This trip , with its mixed classes , was in the nature of a special outing for the summer term , to show the forester the work done during the year , to formulate new projects , to hear his comments .
51 If it claims to be true , it must be willing to show the areas in which the evidence for its claims can be examined and found to be true .
52 The first is to show the level of attention to detail required to make the approach work .
53 It seems to be just as important to show the child what is happening when he or she makes an " informed " contextual guess in reading .
54 Here is the great mistake ; here all the trouble begins ; we teachers are much too fond of teaching and imposing our Preconceived and traditional ideas upon the child ; too ready to give advice ; to show the child how to do it ; to teach and improve , always from our own standards , our own conventions .
55 Indeed , the principle serves administrative interests well , for if standard conditions designed to be equitable as between apparently similar dischargers are routinely applied , the discharger who wishes to appeal against the standards imposed in his case is probably in a weak position if the agency is able to show the Minister that the standards were those typically in force .
56 Paley begins Natural Theology with a famous passage : In crossing a heath , suppose I pitched my foot against a stone , and were asked how the stone came to be there ; I might possibly answer , that , for anything I knew to the contrary , it had lain there for ever : nor would it perhaps be very easy to show the absurdity of this answer .
57 Abandoning the need to show the self , it uses documentary to do the things which documentary does best , to detail and report , but carries with it too a wealth of fantastical imagining which has , over the last decade , made women 's photography so strong and be severe .
58 No my Lord the idea was simply to show the jury that the police are a reminder .
59 Then , given that the only way of being sure that your ad is communicating what your strategy says it should is to show the ad to people and ask what it tells them , it follows that the best way to write down the strategy is , as far as possible , in the language that consumers will use .
60 Portes also suggests figures to show the percentage of the population of each class in each country in 1970 and 1980 .
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