Example sentences of "led up to " in BNC.

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1 Which is not to say , he wrote , that the present project has any value over and above the others , mine and those of everyone else , I have been into the question of value already and will not return to it now , has any value or that its outcome has any value , I have to repeat this , simply that now , for me , today , after the things I have done and given the time left me , it is the most important thing , it is what , from the time I first picked up a pencil and made a mark on a piece of paper , everything has logically led up to .
2 One was left to imagine the scene being played out inside the commissariat and the events which had led up to this incident .
3 If blasphemy was ‘ a way of affirming belief , then it is possible to see how Eliot 's most blasphemously despairing poem , ‘ The Hollow Men ’ , led up to his conversion .
4 It is easy to picture how it looked , for the steps and ball-topped garden gate piers to the left of it would have led up to the front door , and there would have been an exact replica of this wing to the far left .
5 The questions led up to the cross and even beyond it .
6 Two stone steps and a low wide door in the far wall led up to a smaller kitchen , and beyond that was the gloomy pantry where trussed birds and enormous rounds of butter and cheese were stacked on cold stone slabs .
7 Moz 's dinner could then be brought into the yard without dumping it over the fence ; and the horse was then led up to this food , caressed a few times , and released while he was still distracted by eating the first few mouthfuls .
8 She has encouraged me to talk about what happened before I got to that stage , and to think about what might have led up to it .
9 To my left , steps led up to a hummocky cliff edge , on which reposed the fragmented remains of a Franciscan friary .
10 A winding flagged path led up to the door .
11 I had now turned right across the width of the mill where another staircase led up to the top floor .
12 The next two years led up to the Civil War .
13 It was late in the day and nothing had led up to it .
14 A path led up to a level terrace from which one entered the tombs .
15 A small flight of steps led up to its entrance : a low , doughnut shaped arch through which Molassi had recently passed .
16 And I remember four stone steps led up to the front door , and we 'd what they called a parlour then .
17 Something must have led up to it . ’
18 Damian sat down slowly in his place , completely silenced by the rebuke , staring at Gawain as if he were trying to understand the thought-processes which had led up to it .
19 The work that began for me then , with friends all over South Africa , led up to the Pretoria Conference last Easter , 1974 .
20 From the gates a long , dark road led up to the house , with the black shapes of old trees on each side of it .
21 But , whatever the chain of events that had led up to it , the result was the same .
22 He brought our conversation to an end by alluding once more to the past ; and in comparing the difference between his present achievements and the tribulations that had led up to it ( though he did not put it quite like that ) , he appeared to coin on the Spot an Epigram which , so far as I know , he never committed to print but of which there are echoes in The Family Reunion .
23 From where she stood on the gravelled forecourt , she saw that the flight of steps ahead led up to the living accommodation at the higher level , no doubt to exploit the panoramic view , while below , built into the slope , were the garages and stores .
24 The whole point of a history curriculum might , as a result , be lost when what it should all have led up to , it was thought , was " the modern historical underpinning of every future citizen 's understanding of an economic social , cultural and political development " ( TES 1991c:13 ) .
25 Cathy went into the shop and Wycliffe let himself out into the little hall from which stairs led up to the flat .
26 Several steps led up to the door which she unlocked .
27 Many descriptions in the novel begin with an item which is only mildly deviant , or a dead metaphor , and then reinvest it with metaphorical value , as in this example : " the slope led up to the gap and the mountain rose before them .
28 the adjustable types of fittings and er , and in , it all really led up to what people are going for now in , in their houses , they want spotlights , erm clipped on , screwed on the ceiling , screwed on the walls er
29 She assumed that , having had time to think things over , he was going to come back with the decision to tell Marc everything that had led up to this crazy engagement of theirs .
30 Ahead of them stairs led up to the main part of the palazzo , where most of the interior had been renovated and the air smelt strongly of paint and plaster and sawdust .
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