Example sentences of "reached the end " in BNC.

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1 This option might have to be taken up in the future when the V-bombers reached the end of their operational lives , unless the TSR 2 turned out to be as effective as the RAF hoped , and was able to extend the life of the airborne nuclear deterrent indefinitely .
2 Had the mighty champions really reached the end of the road ?
3 They reached the end of the passage , but instead of a picture there was only a dark brown door , marked with the letters WC .
4 First time he got on a tractor — when he reached the end of the field he shouted ‘ Whoa ! ’ ’
5 Once outside , he did n't stop running until he reached the end of the street .
6 Writing to Ellen , never her most sympathetic correspondent , was dreary work since all she could think of were frantic pleas to tell her of Oreste and she grew tired of begging long before she reached the end of the first sheet .
7 Still , we reached the end in a while , and I stood up and tugged him back until he was sitting wedged in the corner , supported by the rear and side walls .
8 Accordingly , she went on to play primarily on the Yiddish stage , where , with her impish manner and tiny build — her toes , she said , never reached the end of her stockings — she soon became a star .
9 When he reached the end and put the paper back in his pocket , the audience shifted and swayed slightly , making him realize just how raptly they had listened to him .
10 On being asked about the condition of the front door and windows , he admitted they had n't been painted for many years and that the door had more or less reached the end of its life , and showed it .
11 At length she reached the end of the stitches and looked with bright interest at her companion .
12 Very few Namibians reached the end of secondary school .
13 Yanto reached the end of the rock bridge where it disappeared into the hard sand The walking was now relatively easy as he made his way towards the first of the salmon traps , or kipes as they were called locally .
14 The era ended abruptly in the first two years of the 1980s , when almost every astronomical satellite reached the end of its life .
15 He wanted to stay straight , but that small glass vial was always being pressed into his hand , it seemed bottomless , the hours passed and they never reached the end .
16 She stopped rehearsing when they reached the end of Act One .
17 Maria caught up with her as they reached the end of the village .
18 The tragic mother and father reached the end of their tether after devoting their lives to caring for their daughter .
19 By the time he reached the end of the yard Martin was already out of the car and was running up the steps to the house .
20 We had by now almost reached the end of Main Street , where a group of girls was washing laundry in a stone trough under the shade of two huge , ancient mango trees .
21 She reached the end of a row , paused for a moment to count , then turned her knitting and started again .
22 So each one got a little harder as you reached the end of your tour ’ .
23 It was when he finally reached the end of the turning by the Rotherhithe.Tunnel entrance that he saw the three standing together across the street .
24 The driver spun the wheel as the Mercedes reached the end of the row of parked cars and it skidded sideways , the left corner of the rear bumper crumpling in a flash of sparks as it glanced off the wall .
25 Ignoring the pain that shot through his leg with every step , he reached the end of the alleyway .
26 It was about four-fifths sweetened whipped cream , to be spooned rather than drunk out of the glasses in which it was served , and one-fifth of wine and whey which had separated from the whip , and which you drank when you reached the end of the cream .
27 As he reached the end of the quay , where the road ascends steeply from the harbour , he turned for one parting shot : " You marry him , then ! " he shouted .
28 The spider-thing reached the end of the air line , turned , and started to run towards the shuttle .
29 When he reached the end , she went up to him , shyly told him how much she liked what she had heard .
30 As I reached the end of the student union building I looked back and gave a little finger-wiggle .
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