Example sentences of "ministers and the " in BNC.

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1 The relatives of the 61 men who had vanished lobbied ministers and the King 's sister and brother .
2 Talks are also being held this week between two cabinet ministers and the general secretary of the South African Council of Churches , the Rev. Frank Chikane .
3 The Democratic Party repeated its demand for an inquiry , saying it was necessary to establish whether cabinet ministers and the former President , Mr PW Botha , were privy to the murders .
4 His blueprint for evolving ‘ a genuine parliamentary democracy ’ will be discussed at a preparatory conference next spring which the European parliament will hold with the Council of Ministers and the bureaucratic Commission .
5 This would allow the council of ministers and the putative EC central bank to move ahead with the supra-national second and third stages of the three-stage European monetary union ( EMU ) strategy of the European Commission president , Mr Jacques Delors , at , or very soon after , the beginning of 1993 .
6 The monumentally crass decision to include this item in the Environment Bill reflects badly on the judgement of ministers and the competence of their advisers .
7 But it is a useful conception ; and it has been applied by Statute to some public officers , such as certain Ministers and the Official Solicitor .
8 Almost invariably , I ended up each year in front of the Star Chamber of ministers who were set up under the chairmanship of Willie Whitelaw to try to sort out the differences which remained between ministers and the Chief Secretary .
9 While England sent no revivalist as famous as Moody she did send a number of famous ministers and the works of her most famous preachers were avidly bought and consumed in America .
10 There must be a direct line of accountability from the man in the street , via his MP who is accountable to his constituents , to the minister who takes part in the Council of Ministers and the government , who are accountable to parliament .
11 The Ministers and the Court dignitaries were on the platform to make their farewells , which the Emperor had insisted be short and restrained , so that within a few minutes of his arrival he and his son were on board and the train left to cries of ‘ Vive l'Empereur ! ’
12 As soon as his guests had left , Eden summoned his senior ministers and the Chiefs of Staff ( plus Jean Chauvel , the French Ambassador , and Andrew Foster , Chargé d'Affaires at the US Embassy in London ) to the Cabinet Room .
13 The preponderance of power within the European Community presently resides with the Council of Ministers and the Commission .
14 And this week , when he rebuked the ‘ adulterers in public life ’ — apparently alluding to the behaviour of Government ministers and the Royal Family — his aides in Lambeth Palace immediately tried to defuse the effect of his speech .
15 The AI representatives met government and security officials , including ministers and the armed forces ' Chief of General Staff , and interviewed victims of torture and other abuses , as well as other witnesses and human rights activists .
16 The United Nations Commission on Human Rights , the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers and the European Parliament have called on member states to introduce civilian service for conscientious objectors .
17 The Millennium Commission , consisting of nine members appointed by the government , including two Ministers and the Leader of the Opposition , is being set up to consider projects to celebrate the year 2000 .
18 The immediate appointment of Protestant ministers and the introduction of a Supremacy Bill in the 1559 parliament was therefore widely predicted , but despite Elizabeth 's concession in changing her title from ‘ Supreme Head ’ to ‘ Supreme Governor ’ , the move was none the less fiercely contested by the Marian bishops in the House of Lords .
19 However , one only needs to note how popular ‘ targeting ’ is in the rhetoric of social security ministers and the massive publicity budgets to see how overcoming ‘ inefficiency ’ of selectivity dominates current policy .
20 Having taken on the teachers and the police , he will now square up to fellow ministers and the voters .
21 The relationship between Ministers and the new Electricity Boards , though laid down by statute , was not rigidly specified , but large powers of fuel policy coordination , and of oversight of finance and general policy , were given to the Minister .
22 Leaders ' meetings had already , of course , become commonplace , and had gained primacy over both the Council of Ministers and the ‘ Eurocrats ’ in Brussels .
23 Its role is to assist ministers and the Cabinet to :
24 After Stolypin 's assassination relations between ministers and the Duma deteriorated further .
25 On the other hand , in the eyes of even the most loyal ministers and the foremost grand dukes and prelates , he was no holy man but a charlatan whose doctrine of ‘ redemption by sin ’ was but a thin veil for crude depravity .
26 The 1990s saw Home Office ministers and the Lord Chief Justice apparently working together to press the case for restraint in the use of custody .
27 The duties imposed upon ministers and the powers given to ministers are normally exercised under the authority of the ministers by responsible officials of the department .
28 It may be wondered why this doctrine is retained , but it has great advantages for both the major groups involved — the ministers and the civil servants .
29 This analysis led Sir John Hoskyns to support both the concept of political ‘ think tanks ’ to assist ministers and the nomination of some senior civil servants on a party political basis .
30 I suspect that they also had scholarly and dedicated teachers and well read ministers and the encouragement of parents who realised that the only chance their children had of improving their way of life was by having the best education possible which would enable them to compete for the limited number of places which were available in the colleges and universities .
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