Example sentences of "leave [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 Wiser writers , like Frank Ronan , leave them for their third or fourth .
2 If you 've soaked the joints , leave them for several days to dry off completely .
3 If you have bought fresh livers , put them in a bowl of tepid , slightly salted water and leave them for about a couple of hours .
4 Put the containers in a warm place and leave them for a week .
5 ( iii ) After incubation in complement , transfer the embryos to fresh M2 + BSA and leave them for a further 20–30 min at 37 C during which time the outer cells should be seen to bleb and lyse .
6 In case anyone thinks this was unnecessarily drastic , I did in fact leave them for a couple of hours to see if they would come out of their own accord — but they did n't , and I was concerned that they might starve if left to their own devices .
7 Leave them for a year , and then go back to find out how they are getting on .
8 Leave them for other people to enjoy .
9 Do a few products and then , leave them for a few days and go back and integrate them .
10 Leave me for a bit , Billy , ’ she says with her back to me , so I go out and sit on my bed .
11 Like having a husband die and leave you for another woman at the same time .
12 ‘ Signorina , will you be all right if I leave you for a little while ? ’
13 Erm do you mind if I leave you for a second ?
14 Leave her for me , she 's too tricky for you , I 'll see to her !
15 That way we can put the donkey in a field at about 11am and leave him for about six hours while people have other entertainment . ’
16 Just leave it for a while . ’
17 I would rather have no bolts and the romantic ethic — leave it for the next generation if it requires a bolt .
18 Hakim was used to transactions where ‘ all parameters are not known , you leave it for the times that things are known ’ , but this business proceeded on a plane that was ‘ intangible ’ .
19 Time is a great healer so , rather than press on with a manoeuvre that is repeatedly failing , leave it for a while and come back to it later .
20 Leave it for a year , and you 'll have established a pattern which will be hard to break .
21 All you do is add water and leave it for a month .
22 ‘ As a pledge of my sincerity in the matter of the crowning of Prince Richard , I leave it for the time being with you .
23 At this stage , it is a good idea to cover the picture with glass and leave it for a while .
24 Leave it for a while . ’
25 Leave it for now … ’
26 We demand that it changes , we beg of it to alter our lives , we leave it for two hours and assume it will be different when we get back .
27 If you accidentally stain walls with woodworm fluid , leave it for a week or two , and if it still shows , coat it with an aluminium primer before redecorating .
28 Cover the pan with a cloth — to prevent steam from condensing on the cover of the pan and falling back on the curd — and the lid , and leave it for two to four hours , until the curd is fairly firm .
29 Leave it for an hour , until the bulk of the whey has drained off , and transfer the curd , still in its cloth , to the mould .
30 So have a look through your book have a very quick glance at erm if you can just at an acid alkali one , at one side of an equation co try not to read it cover it up write it down and leave it for a few minutes till you 've forgotten if you did accidentally see what was on the other side till you 've forgotten it .
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