Example sentences of "seeing it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In preparing the Bill and seeing it through Parliament , Jenkins had at his right hand Cunningham 's successor as Permanent Under Secretary of State , Sir Philip Allen .
2 But Calatin 's banqueting hall and the house in the forest had wavered and grown dim — ‘ as if I am seeing it through water , ’ thought Fergus — and there had been a great heaviness within him so that it was difficult to breathe .
3 Questions are raised but not answered and the next car commercial appears — but are you now seeing it through a different pair of glasses ?
4 ‘ Berenice will come first , but we 'll come again and I shall take pleasure in seeing it through your eyes . ’
5 She sat down before the dressing-table , automatically picking up a hairbrush , but the sight of her own reflection in the mirror distracted her , and for long moments she simply stared at her own face , as if seeing it through the eyes of a stranger .
6 Mr Hawke has embarked on a crusade to join the airlines in smashing the pilots ' claim , seeing it as a crucial challenge to the cornerstone of his government 's economic policy , the wages accord between government , employers and unions .
7 Later he came to rationalise that , seeing it as part of a family pattern .
8 Male behaviour is so normative that we ordinarily think of celibacy as meaning that men are to leave women alone , rather than seeing it as a positive step women take to make a non sexually-active community together .
9 People strove to be free of Nature , seeing it as something outside of themselves .
10 The thought that prayer is ultimately about delighting in God helps us to stop seeing it as a ‘ technique ’ in which we are advancing .
11 They concur with the group in seeing it as a way of cutting down on bootleg tapes , though it will still reduce the impact of a future live album .
12 The previous owner had parked a large , old-fashioned caravan at the back and the Canadian had made no difficulty about letting this to Neil for two pounds a week , seeing it as a useful way of having someone to keep an eye on the property .
13 As we learn to take it more lightly , seeing it as a mere illusion , money begins to flow through us like a
14 But you decide to take some laxatives , again seeing it as a ‘ meaningless ’ incident .
15 Unfortunately , the Ego has made a monopoly of guilt , seeing it as a splendid excuse for misery and martyrdom .
16 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
17 For that , on Locke 's understanding of how visual sensations are related to impressions on the retina , is the same in the two cases of my seeing the figure as a drawing of a duck and my seeing it as a drawing of a rabbit .
18 What makes the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape ? ( 194–219 )
19 This suggests that the difference between seeing a picture as a jumble of meaningless lines , and seeing it as a picture of a landscape , is that in the latter case an act of recognition , or of interpretation , takes place .
20 Mr Maconie should realise that the Roman Catholic hierarchy does f— all to help AIDS victims , seeing it as a gift from God to rid the world of some of its scum , when it has the power to change attitudes for the better all over the world .
21 Despite his lone pursuits of happiness , the greater impression is that they worked the Hollywood field together , for Burton 's material rewards , seeing it as a treasure trove best plundered before it disappeared .
22 That is , an object seen as one sort of structure can be experienced ( and imagined ) in ways different from those made possible by seeing it as another sort of structure .
23 She was reported as seeing it as a serious matter and thought the fine by the court was not enough : ‘ I 'd have chopped his hand off if I 'd had the chance ’ .
24 This was an entirely legitimate and historically well-founded practice , but Nixon carried it to extreme lengths , seeing it as a way both to cut back on federal expenditure and to impose his own order of spending priorities .
25 My survey departs from sociological tradition and takes a new approach to women 's domestic situation by looking at housework as a job and seeing it as work , analogous to any other kind of work in modern society .
26 Feminists have been antagonistic to psychoanalysis , seeing it as a means for the social control of women , although over the last few years , the mood has shifted , and psychoanalysis is being re-examined for its possible value to feminists ( see Sayers ( 1986 ) for an overview ) .
27 But even if we allow that this can be a beneficial experience , we must question the wisdom of seeing it as the only valid way in which reading can be learned .
28 Under CONTEXT ( see the discussion of discourse situation , 8.1 ) we consider the external relations of a text or a part of a text , seeing it as a discourse presupposing a social relation between its participants ( author and reader ; character and character , etc ) , and a sharing by participants of knowledge and assumptions .
29 Her not seeing it as what it was .
30 He was a firm believer in the power of Television , seeing it as a definitive medium for enriching the lives of the general public through the art of its broadcasting .
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