Example sentences of "seeing [noun prp] as " in BNC.

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1 The spark that arises between Vronsky and Anna proves not only damaging to Karenin ( Anna 's husband ) but also to the young Kitty Shcherbatsky , who seeing Vronsky as a possible suitor , was in love with him .
2 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
3 I played around with these harsh gasps for a while , seeing Miller as a big pink fish stranded on a cobble-stoned beach , letting broken scraps of dialogue decorate the page .
4 One must resist seeing Bakhtin as the US Cavalry , riding in to rescue a threatened humanism from howling poststructuralists .
5 The Americans were jogged back into seeing Britain as their sturdiest ally .
6 For many years there were political overtones in this opposition , with Citrine seeing Randall as the representative of a capitalist rump in the industry which must be controlled .
7 Instead of seeing Hollywood as a powerful rival to be confronted and challenged , British producers have too often looked upon the US film industry as a much-wooed lady who will one day fall into their arms .
8 We therefore cautioned against seeing TTT as a panacea .
9 But rather than seeing Gloucester as a weak independent power eclipsed by a strong court connection , one should probably , as in East Anglia , think of him as part of that connection .
10 But rather than seeing Gloucester as a weak independent power eclipsed by a strong court connection , one should probably , as in East Anglia , think of him as part of that connection .
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