Example sentences of "seeing [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or maybe it 's simpler than that , and has to do with them seeing Tod in his natural environment , the doctor , the gatekeeper , his white coat and his black bag .
2 I 'll go back to London , I 'll move to a new district , I 'll start seeing Sophie on a regular basis , I 'll do my job as if I were any competent lawyer , and I 've come here alone , you bastard , so why do n't you do whatever you 've got in mind ?
3 It had been a wonderful surprise seeing Madeleine with Aubrey and their friend , Lionel Dunbar , on the quayside .
4 The spark that arises between Vronsky and Anna proves not only damaging to Karenin ( Anna 's husband ) but also to the young Kitty Shcherbatsky , who seeing Vronsky as a possible suitor , was in love with him .
5 When their mother died in 1778 she was sent away to Halifax , to stay with her mother 's cousin , Miss Elizabeth Threlkeld , for nine years ; she then lived at Penrith with her grand-parents , seeing William for only a short time , and from 1789 to 1794 was away from the Lake District again , in the care of her uncle and aunt at Forncett in Norfolk .
6 I had been seeing Jessica for twelve months before she admitted to herself that her lover would never come back .
7 Five months on , seeing Lisa with a plastic eye and seeing how she is , she gets so upset , I would like to have the law changed .
8 Five months on , seeing Lisa with a plastic eye and seeing how she is , she gets so upset , I 'd really like to have the law changed covering guns .
9 Nor did most people who heard the record — some of them were tempted to buy it after seeing Ken in Cinderella .
10 For it was certain , Leith considered , that with the evidence Naylor Massingham had of seeing Travis in bed at her flat , and again seeing her with Travis in that hotel dining-room , he was going to want more from Travis than any declaration of , ‘ Leith is n't my girlfriend , so do n't sack her ’ .
11 For Ashcroft Noble had never forbidden his study to children , and Helen later recalled seeing Edward at the end of a visit still standing by a bookcase and reluctant to leave .
12 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
13 And seeing Richard in a white coat . ’
14 He had been seeing Molly on and off for about six months .
15 One adverse critic of Dustin 's performance was the young and eccentric English actor Victor Henry , who , on seeing Dustin in a bar after the show , emptied a glass of beer over his head .
16 At least she had one thing to be thankful for , she consoled herself , seeing Veronica into a taxi in the Aldwych : she was in no doubt at all that Veronica would be in touch again .
17 and seeing England to the brink of victory .
18 He recalls how , seeing England from his own urban American background he has always been aware that the natural habitat of the Englishman was the little rural community and that industrial and large towns were accepted with reluctance .
19 ‘ She 's working , ’ Luke returned dismissively , and it was true , she realised , following his glance and seeing Cavell in conversation with a television reporter .
20 Keeper Neville Southall , the most capped keeper in Welsh history , believes the Belgians will be scared just seeing Giggs among the substitutes .
21 We 've flagged up those problems to command and I 'm seeing Mr on Tue Tuesday afternoon I think it is , and Jed 's put a report into command and I 'll put on it as well , and we 're saying to them what is the answer ?
22 The Ambassador , Benedetti , was on leave and so the First Secretary of the Embassy was entrusted with seeing Bismarck in order to put the question to him .
23 Now , seeing Liz on the threshold , she waved her knife in greeting : ‘ So there you are , Liz darling , ’ she cried , ‘ and a Happy New Year to you , and I 'll be telling you something about 1980 , you mark my words , you mark my words , all of you — broccoli will go out of fashion , that 's what will happen in 1980 , and no mistaking ! ’
24 Miranda left the room quickly , so that her mother should not see the redness that covered her face and neck at the very thought of seeing Miles in bed … in pyjamas .
25 Ah , my dear , ’ she said , seeing Sophia at the front door , ‘ Here we are , you see , safe and sound . ’
26 I played around with these harsh gasps for a while , seeing Miller as a big pink fish stranded on a cobble-stoned beach , letting broken scraps of dialogue decorate the page .
27 After seeing Cindy into a taxi , he went back to the office .
28 One must resist seeing Bakhtin as the US Cavalry , riding in to rescue a threatened humanism from howling poststructuralists .
29 The Americans were jogged back into seeing Britain as their sturdiest ally .
30 With the information she had given him , he approached the Fleming house in Queen Charlotte 's Alley in the hope of seeing Peter on his own without the disturbing presence of Sarah .
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