Example sentences of "caused by the " in BNC.

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1 Additional yawing caused by the excess use of the rudder in a turn will make the wing-drop much sharper .
2 In this case the necessary yawing movement is caused by the high drag of the badly stalled wing .
3 Over the years there have been innumerable accidents and incidents caused by the airbrakes opening in flight .
4 Shingles is caused by the virus that causes chickenpox : the varicella zoster virus .
5 Cuts are not common in karate competition though , on occasions , a cut eyelid may be caused by the opponent 's long toenails .
6 If you fight on after sustaining a head injury and then receive a further blow to the head , the damage caused by the initial impact will be multiplied several times over !
7 When , for example , a subject fitted with scalp electrodes over the auditory cortex is played a series of brief clicks through headphones and the EEG following each click is averaged so that random fluctuations cancel each other out , what is left is a systematic but complex pattern of electrical waves which is caused by the click in the same way that the waves on the surface of a pond are caused by dropping a pebble into it .
8 ( The many demonstrations , in neuropsychological experiments of the kind discussed in Chapter 4 , of the loss of mental processes caused by the loss of neural processes are more powerful here . )
9 Behaviour is genuinely caused by the interaction of such mental states .
10 Some ironically have been brought about by road congestion caused by the railway 's erstwhile competitor , the private car .
11 Further damage was caused by the way price rises were introduced , the report says .
12 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
13 However , the key fact remains true that the area under the pulses is proportional to the external magnetic field , after discounting the small offset caused by the fundamental breakthrough .
14 Fig. 11 : The electronics divides into two parts : the exciter section drives the core into saturation with a current ramp of alternating polarity while the measurement section integrates the pickup coil pulses caused by the action of a static magnetic field on the core .
15 For low inputs , a feedback attenuator compensates for the reduced output ; the difference-of-squares circuit in Fig. 3 , for example , used the attenuator to cancel the factor of 2 loss in gain caused by the sum term generation .
16 How hot summers brought us stripped pines : Scientists now believe a dramatic loss of conifer needles which struck West German forests may have been caused by the weather , rather than pollution .
17 Andrew Hugh Smith , ISE chairman , said : ‘ Turnover in UK equities has seen an increase of almost 50 per cent over the past year , alleviating some of the problems caused by the very low volumes after the market crash .
18 Rechem also agreed to drop its request for a judicial review into Torfaen 's monitoring of contamination supposedly caused by the firm , and of its publication of the results .
19 Declaring global warming , caused by the build up of carbon dioxide and other gases , to be ‘ the most worrisome ’ of all environmental threats , Dr Cunningham promised a major long-term programme of energy conservation .
20 To understand why Jews should be bothered by Catholics praying at this site it is necessary to go back to the role played by the Catholic Church in fomenting antisemitism , the passivity of the Pope during the war while the exterminations were underway and even the suspicions caused by the reception of Austrian President Kurt Waldheim , with his dubious war record , by the present Pope , John Paul II ( from Poland ) .
21 His conqueror , by 15-9 , 12-15 , 15-9 , 8-15 , 15-13 was Australia 's Chris Dittmar and his tiredness was also partly caused by the extra pounds of weight that have been expanding around his middle in recent months .
22 Last-quarter UK sales were hard hit by high interest rates eating into disposable income , a slower housing market , and a fall-off in DIY interest caused by the hot weather .
23 The only corroborative evidence , he suggested , was the bruising to her arm and legs , which could have been caused by the exertion of force .
24 The last two days ' scenes of disarray , including some fisticuffs , caused by the exclusion of far-right MEPs from the leadership of two delegations to foreign parliaments , are demeaning to the European Parliament , and bode ill .
25 The problem is caused by the spartan nature of the seats in riot vans , and because police rarely get the chance to ease aching muscles with a stroll .
26 Vi Gillman , spokeswoman for the National Back Pain Association , said the problem was caused by the way seats were designed and the posture of the people sitting in them .
27 She was profoundly scarred by her father 's suicide in 1976 , and blames the tragedy on the mental stress caused by the Wilson government 's reneging on a fighter bomber deal he had set up with Sweden .
28 The only exception to this is the discussion of the likely reactive effect caused by the presence of observers ( McCall 1975 ; Policy Studies Institute 1983b : 11–15 ; Reiss 1971 ; Softley 1980 ; Southgate and Ekblom 1986 ; Steer 1980 ) , although no serious doubt is put on the validity of observational data on the police .
29 As we all dropped to the floor the shifty-eyed character bolted out of the front door and into a cloud of dust and pieces of masonry , caused by the explosions .
30 ‘ I could certainly go a mug of hot tea , ’ I thought , as I examined my lumps and bumps caused by the ever-persistent mosquitoes .
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