Example sentences of "offered for this " in BNC.

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1 The explanation usually offered for this phenomenon is that subjects implicitly attach a verbal label to pictures and objects and hence a verbal memory trace as well as a pictorial memory trace is established .
2 Various reasons have been offered for this decline , but the most likely explanation is that the general conditions of recession in Britain have been exacerbated by other factors peculiar to the recording industry .
3 The reason offered for this was that , by definition , a public place was one where the public were likely to be .
4 The principal justification offered for this is that it triggers discussion between the police and organisers , and prevents demonstrators from springing surprises on the police .
5 There were two reasons offered for this .
6 And Lot five there 's Lot five , the er V two Lot five and I have four hundred pounds offered for this one four hundred pounds and twenty four fifty , four eighty at four hundred and eighty pounds , any more at four eighty ?
7 Lot seven is the Andia Cockatoo loudspeaker now showing , there it is , thank you , Lot seven and two hundred is offered for this , two hundred pounds and twenty , two twenty forty , sixty two sixty now any more at two sixty , all done ?
8 And Lot twelve is the Ediswan mains receiver , Lot twelve and I have forty offered for this , any more at forty ?
9 Er Lot twenty two is a Beltona portable there it is , thank you thirty offered for this , any more at thirty ?
10 Lot twenty four this is the model one six three there it is , thank you , I 'd like two hundred offered for this one two hundred pounds any more at two hundred ?
11 Lot twenty five little red Peter Pan there it is now showing , thank you and I 've a hundred pounds offered for this , any more at one hundred ?
12 Lot thirty three is a horn gramophone there showing , thank you , Lot thirty three erm a hundred and fifty offered for this one hundred and fifty pounds , any more ?
13 Lot thirty four another horn gramophone now showing , thank you and I have two hundred offered for this , twenty , two forty , two sixty , any more at two sixty ?
14 Lot thirty five is the French phonograph now showing , Lot thirty five a hundred is offered for this , one hundred pounds and ten , one twenty , one thirty , any more at one thirty ?
15 Lot forty one Edison Gem there it is , Lot forty one eighty is offered for this eighty pounds , ninety , one hundred one hundred against you now , any more ?
16 . Lot forty six Trade-Mark gramophone , there it is on the screen now , Lot forty six I 've a thousand pounds offered for this , one thousand pounds , any advance on a thousand ?
17 Lot fifty three is an Edison Gem there it is you can see it now Lot fifty three and I have a hundred and fifty offered for this , sixty , one seventy , one eighty ninety , two hundred two hundred , yes , two hundred and twenty , two forty , two sixty two sixty near the back seated , any more ?
18 And Lot fifty six is the gramophone horn basket there it is , thank you , with the horn inside er fifty is offered for this , fifty five , sixty , five , sixty five pounds , any more ?
19 Lot fifty seven is the car mascot there it is , Lot fifty seven I 've a hundred and fifty offered for this , sixty , one seventy , one eighty one hundred and eighty pounds , any more ?
20 And Lot sixty two is the Edison ephemera , Lot sixty two , and I 've a hundred offered for this , one hundred pounds , any more ?
21 Lot sixty eight Edison stand , there it is now , Lot sixty eight er three hundred is offered for this , three hundred pounds and twenty , three fifty three eighty , any more at three eighty ?
22 And Lot sixty nine Edison Standard , there it is , Lot sixty nine , two hundred is offered for this , and twenty , any more at two twenty ?
23 Seventy six thank you , is the Victor now showing , Lot seventy six , two hundred offered for this , two hundred pounds and twenty , any more ?
24 Lot seventy seven is a Style four gramophone and there it is , Lot seventy seven three hundred offered for this one , three hundred pounds and twenty three fifty , any more at three fifty ?
25 Lot eighty one is the Victor thank you , there it is now showing , Lot eighty one a hundred and fifty is offered for this , one hundred and fifty pounds , any more ?
26 Lot eighty two an Edison Amberola seventy five now on the screen , Lot eighty two and I have three hundred pounds offered for this , any more ?
27 . Lot eighty eight is another similar Gem , there it is , thank you , Lot eighty eight and I 've a hundred and fifty offered for this one sixty seventy , one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , and twenty , two forty two forty , any more at two forty ?
28 Lot eighty nine is a new Cecil Zonophone , there it is , thank you , a hundred is offered for this one , a hundred pounds one hundred pounds anywhere , one hundred one hundred bid on the aisle , thank you , any more ?
29 Lot ninety is a Dulcephone there it is , Lot ninety , thank you and I have er four hundred offered for this , four hundred pounds and twenty , four fifty , four eighty , five hundred , and fifty , six hundred and fifty six fifty standing , seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred and fifty nine hundred and fifty , one thousand , one hundred , two hundred , three hundred , four hundred one thousand four hundred at the front , any more ?
30 Lot ninety one Intermediate Monarch mahogany , there it is and I have six hundred offered for this and fifty , seven hundred and fifty ,
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