Example sentences of "offered [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 TV producers Harry Thomason and Linda Bloodworth-Thomason have offered them a high-security estate , close to Beverly Hills .
2 And Weider Travel , of Felixstowe , has offered them a place on the cargo ship Sexton .
3 The most prominent families had no objection to service — it had long offered them the surest route to power , wealth , and prestige .
4 It had belonged to a man called Flowers , and they had gone to Manchester just because he had offered them the flat .
5 Their initiative was thought to have been in response to an open letter published on Jan. 15 under the signatures of three former Presidents , the Archbishop of Bogotá , and the leader of the left-wing Patriotic Union Party ( UP ) , which had offered them the prospect of " society 's support … for less rigorous treatment " by the government if they released the estimated dozens of hostages they had seized over the previous two months and stopped drug trafficking .
6 He has now offered them the use of his white Rolls-Royce for the wedding as well as a Renault 19 for the honeymoon .
7 Sometimes er when especially the the er older element have been so delighted that we 've offered them an opportunity because everybody else has said they 're too old and after all this they 're getting really excited want to come and then they look so glum in the photographs
8 ‘ My disillusion deepened during 1969 , and by then Chapman had offered me a job .
9 Within minutes of the disaster , Blairman 's offered me a desk and telephone , Mallett 's provided porters and storage for the 60 years ' accumulation which had to be out of Mount Street in two days .
10 Nobody 's ever offered me a bribe .
11 ‘ I would have signed if they had offered me a few bob more . ’
12 But a friend of my father 's offered me a job .
13 ‘ I believe you know that the Free Dutch government have offered me a job in their intelligence service .
14 Ash had been in London for a programming interview with some big insurance company and had offered me a lift back home , or to Gallanach anyway , as I 'd exiled myself from Lochgair .
15 One very generous gentleman in London , who imports pianos from Poland and who heard me playing the organ in the programmes , has offered me a brand-new piano as a gift .
16 They have offered me a bodyguard .
17 ‘ He 's offered me a room at Armscott whenever I 'm down in Oxfordshire . ’
18 ‘ Hell , no one 's ever offered me a career before . ’
19 But she 's offered me a relief post as I say , where I go round and help but she do n't know how many hours it will be .
20 ‘ They have offered me no protection and told me bluntly if I do n't like the job I can quit . ’
21 ‘ The van I used to use to transport my bikes has come to the end of its day , and Bill Doig has very kindly offered me the use of the station van if it is not required for company duties . ’
22 ‘ They 've definitely offered you a place ? ’
23 ‘ Has Pyke offered you a part ? ’ he said at last .
24 I do n't intend to discuss the housing , whether seven hundred acres , sorry seven l land for seven hundred houses is owned by the City of York , that 's not part of our case one way or the other , but we have offered you a distribution of the Greater York provision figure between the districts , because from Barton Willmore 's very extensive experience of participation in local plan work up and down the country , I think we share the view that er City of York have , that Ryedale have , my colleagues to the left and right on this side of the table have , that there does need to be a distribution , otherwise there will be at best confusion as to whether local plans comply with the structure plan , and at worst a game of of pass the parcel and everybody will be conforming , but nobody will actually be possibly meeting the figures , and that is the situation that I do n't think anybody would wish to see as a result of er the outcome of of alteration number three , I mean I do n't know how the County Council would would really be able to say whether they thought a local plan conformed to the structure plan , without knowing what that distribution was , perhaps in some bottom draw manner which is not now the approved way of going about these things , so that I think there does need to be a distribution for the proper planning of York , and before coming on to our to explain our figures a little bit , I should also say , perhaps in in response to remarks Mr Thomas made earlier on about the general character of the York area and the need to protect that , that that course is precisely what the greenbelt is for , and what it does , it is n't necessary to extend that concept across the whole of the vale of York , and therefore to seek to er discount migration outside the greenbelt .
25 Has he really offered you the job back ? "
26 When Midland Amalgamated headhunted him for the MD 's job at Pringle 's they offered him a Rover 3500 Vanden Plas , but Vic stuck out for the Jaguar , a car normally reserved for divisional chairmen , and to his great satisfaction he had got one , even though it was n't quite new .
27 Coleridge even felt some confidence that his writing could sustain them both in their new life : Cottle , in a further act of generosity , had offered him a guinea and a half for every one hundred lines of poetry he produced , and faithfully honoured the bargain in April of the following year when he published Poems on Various Subjects , Coleridge 's first major collection .
28 We 've offered him a hostel — ’ she turned to me again , away from the dog — ‘ with a warden in charge , very suitable in his sort of case .
29 Nigel had invited his teacher 's attention and in turn she had offered him a chance to try to tell her what he meant by ‘ balance ’ .
30 The Metropolitan Company had offered him a reward for his efforts .
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