Example sentences of "met [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A month later , on January 11th , 1907 , the Bondholders met as the Committee , and the first official Minute was made .
2 The couple she had met as the Corduroys , Ken and Louise , were holding plates and looking round for somewhere to sit .
3 It was a generous and bubbling woman called Meg who lived in a caravan and whom Lee had met through the Labour Party and liked enormously .
4 Policy requirements should be met through the development of a constabulary possessing rifles , machine guns and other equipment .
5 A considerable part of the total range of need is met through the basic social services of income maintenance , health , housing and personal social services .
6 I recently discovered that the team has another link with the University of Bristol in that two of its founder members , Ray and Val Cleaver , first met through the University Folk Club when Ray was its Publicity Secretary in 1967 .
7 He stated that there would be no new taxes or loans to fund the shortfall and that the cost would be met through the sale of state corporations and of the government 's shareholdings in the major commercial banks .
8 Sponsors of the bill suggested that the cost of the latest extension would be met through the use of $2,200 million left unspent during the last fiscal year and of $500 million from an accelerated collection of taxes from large corporations .
9 They 've got to be Coptic , of course , and preferably someone he 's met through the church .
10 The settlement does reflect some change in government policy and the areas of expenditure , which have previously attracted direct grant , are now being met through the grant accredits approvals , which do ultimately bring cash to the council , erm , because they keyed into assets aims , and the revenues court-room mechanism .
11 When I established our environmental objectives in 1990 , I recognised that we had set ourselves some very demanding targets which could only be met through the continuous commitment and effort of everyone involved .
12 If labour requirements can not be met through the more efficient or intensive use of the existing labour force , a great many employers ( almost half ) use temporary or casual labour including former registered dockers made redundant under the Dock Labour Compensation Scheme .
13 But what really made the difference was that I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde , whom I had met about the time I was diagnosed with ALS .
14 On 21 February 1987 , the Colemans were met off the plane at Larnaca airport by Special Agent Dany Habib , Hurley 's number two at DEA Nicosia .
15 Members of the Jafaar clan and other DEA couriers would arrive at Larnaca with suitcases full of high-grade heroin , white and crystal , and be met off the boat from the Christian-controlled port of Jounieh by officers of the Cypriot Police Narcotics Squad , who then drove them up to the Eurame office in Nicosia .
16 They had met during the early months of the war at the home of Woodcock 's uncle , the Midland Bank manager Fred Elt who , though respectably employed , was something of a Bohemian in his fondness for mistresses and for paintings .
17 One of her closest allies and friends in the last years of her life was Jane Clifford , whom she had met during the Platt Hall venture and to whom she now offered a new job as historical adviser .
18 The primary aim is to provide an authentic analysis of key legal , administrative , and policy themes which can be expected to be met during the development and implementation of a integrated approach .
19 Arising from the resolute opposition by the District to the Board 's proposals , a sub-committee was also established by the Cambridge Board to consider its relations with the WEA and met for the first time in May 1938 .
20 THE new Sussex Downs Conservation Board , which will have responsibilities for 600 square miles of countryside in West and East Sussex , met for the first time last week and elected Baroness Cumberlege as chairman .
21 The dangerous logic of events was leading to a predictable conclusion , though Sarah and Coleridge had met for the first time only nine days before and were of fundamentally different temperaments , she sharp-tongued , humorous and practical , he procrastinating and visionary .
22 The ‘ germ ’ of this story , I think , is the idea ( I do not know who first expressed it ) that couples of servants who apply for situations as man and wife have often met for the first time in the registry office .
23 Most of the deadlines that must be met for the new pay and file tax system are at least nine months on from 1 October 1993 , but one is already less than a year away .
24 As the two hellraisers met for the first time for the benefit of the world 's press , they exchanged jokes .
25 It was an astonishing thing for a wife to say about her husband to a woman she 'd met for the first time .
26 So to New York , where the world of women 's tennis met for the Virginia Slims Championships to a background of political ferment , following my disclosure in The Daily Telegraph , that , like the men three years earlier , the women — or at least the WTA board — felt they were also ready to declare UDI .
27 The High Authority met for the first time in the autumn of 1952 , and immediately set about trying to turn the principles of the Treaty of Paris into practical results .
28 Early in 1914 , the Board felt it advisable to appoint a House Committee to deal with the day-to-day affairs of the Institution , and the committee met for the first time on 28th April with Mr. W. T. Lansberry in the chair .
29 All was in vain ; the poor law functions of the Boards of Guardians were transferred to the County Council , and on March 29th 1930 the Board of Guardians met for the last time .
30 The conditions to be met for the provision of water for fighting fires are best discussed with the local Fire Brigade Superintendent , who will give details of the supply required and of any additional facilities , such as providing access to mill lodges for suction hoses of pumps , and any special precautions that are necessary .
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