Example sentences of "met up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is understood that these solicitors ( Norton Rose ) have asked claimants to look to their own insurers first and that any claims in addition will be met up to the £2,700 Convention limit .
2 On the last day of term , I had met up with my son 's headmaster .
3 Had Stirling been more cautious , he would have followed the route taken by Cooper , Sadler and Taxis , and eventually would have met up with his brother Bill .
4 By five-thirty , I had met up with the lads and , content at seventeen miles , stooped in the twilight to hammer home the twenty-eight pegs .
5 Everything is different from Ilkley though we have met up with a family from Leeds , which makes it more like home . ’
6 The opening scene of the movie features the gangsters discussing the true meaning of the lyrics , with one insisting that it 's about a nymphomaniac who 's been around but has now met up with ‘ some John Holmes motherfucker ’ — in other words a guy well hung enough to make her feel ‘ like a virgin ’ again .
7 Joe had met up with Benny again on one of his rare trips to his old haunts and offered him a job , which Benny was glad to accept .
8 Today we should have met up with the rest of the tribe but we are n't as fit as we might be .
9 By now it was dark , with just two small desk lamps throwing clear-cut areas of light : one at a typist 's table halfway down the room where Maxim had finally met up with a pint of cold lager , one at the desk where Dann was listening on the telephone and sipping a small glass of neat gin .
10 He 'd met up with a marvellous girl in Munster , anyway ; then a fully consenting Hausfrau from Hamburg … and so it had gone on .
11 Fazal said that you had met up with the men and had started work .
12 Mr Pollard 's girlfriend Zoe Mitchell had met up with him at the pub .
13 Because it was an old age woman , they ai n't give anyone 's names old age woman was er it was in the paper sort of met up with an intruder in her house like .
14 Christopher 's very much more happy to have met up with Bob in the office to see what he 's you know the thoughts of
15 The children met up with their new foster parents , Bill and Janet Matthews .
16 They said that a state of infinite density might occur only if the galaxies were moving directly toward or away from each other ; only then would they all have met up at a single point in the past .
17 Which is ironic , since we have met up at the Wardour Street , a company specialising in neurotechnology for the consumer .
18 Which is ironic , since we have met up at the Wardour Street , a company specialising in neurotechnology for the consumer .
19 Julie had met up in Los Angeles with Mr Ellis before travelling to New Orleans for the jazz festival .
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