Example sentences of "met by the " in BNC.

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1 It is advisable for the claimant to take along one written estimate for the funeral before the arrangements are made , in order to ensure that the cost will be met by the DSS , but a bill can be taken after the funeral to the DSS for help .
2 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
3 That could be met by the division of the spheres in which the divided sovereign acted upon different collective advice .
4 Before midday we arrive at the first village and are met by the Mukhtar , Hadji Hanna .
5 A couple got off the train , were met by the police and put up a ferocious but unsuccessful fight : suspicion of a bank robbery the previous day , apparently , back down the line in Thunder Bay .
6 Nevertheless , the Japanese fleet arrived in the Tasman as promised , to be met by the new Greenpeace flagship , Rainbow Warrior II .
7 The coffin , consisting of a few planks , was carried from the workhouse by other inmates ; it was not allowed in the church , but was met by the parson at the graveside .
8 Most of the cost was met by the wealthy Congregationalist , Abel Buckley , who had been the MP for Prestwich Division in the Home Rule Parliament of 1885 .
9 The Bishop of Ely claimed Benwick as part of his chase : they had been met by the bishop 's bailiff , leading three priests in full vestments , with Bible , cross and candle , ‘ so that they could make no inquest there that day ’ .
10 And as she pushed open the west door Miss Danziger was met by the scent of fennel , the six-foot stems of which towered over her from a huge stoneware pot , very different from the musty scent of piety that greeted her in English country churches .
11 At an ensuing press conference , they were met by the African National Congress representative to the United Nations , Tebogo Mafole , who had flown from New York to welcome them .
12 The cost of the operation , which was not disclosed , is being met by the Irish Government .
13 The cost of the Manchester seminar will be met by the Manchester Professional Panel and Commercial Union Financial Services .
14 In addition , military aid was made available from the United States of America , and the cost of maintaining American forces in Europe , was met by the U.S.A. Treasury .
15 They were not met by the UK , which also granted itself invalid derogations , and the country ended up in the European Court ( see below ) .
16 Fly to Munich , to be met by the Enterprise Representative .
17 The loom shed was , by now , used by a firm of silk throwsters , their comparatively modest power requirements met by the remaining water wheel .
18 ( There ) ‘ we were met by the Viscount Walsh ( Chamberlain of the Emperor ) who led us to the apartment of the Baroness de Pierres ( ex Miss Thorne of New York ) who is now a lady-in-waiting to the Empress ’ .
19 According to government , some of the main needs to be met by the social security system are bringing up children , and caring for elderly or disabled people .
20 This was met by the loudest burst of approval yet , followed by warm and sustained applause .
21 For a time the decline in Canada 's conventional oil reserves was to be met by the development of Western Canada 's gigantic oil sands deposits .
22 In a paper given at the Hydrocarbons 1983 conference in March 1983 , BP propounded the view that the supply shortfall towards the late 1980s could be met by the development of UK reserves , and identified 50,000 billion cubic feet of recoverable new gas — two-thirds in discoveries and one-third in undrilled geological prospects .
23 Using this method candidates may be assessed at the interview on the following seven job requirements which have to be met by the person appointed in the job :
24 However , the costs of production will increase as farmers are made to invest more time and money in each animal , and these costs must be met by the consumer .
25 Sanctity has little to do with a pietistic other-worldliness and much to do with ordinariness and simplicity — being oneself in God , accepted by the Father , met by the Son , and indwelt by the living Spirit .
26 Much of the cost of this rebuilding of Seagoe Church was met by the Baroness von Steiglitz .
27 Later plans involved an additional expenditure of about £150 million to take the railway into Bank , about half of which would be met by the Canary Wharf developers ( see below ) .
28 Thus ‘ if emergency admission as an in-patient is required , the cost should be met by the district of residence .
29 The provision that ‘ if emergency admission as an inpatient is required , the cost should be met by the District of Residence ’ whilst the hospital itself would bear the cost of A&E outpatient treatment within the block contract ( DoH , 1989c , para.2.10 ) gives an additional incentive to providers to admit A&E cases as inpatients , possibly unnecessarily , where there is no contract with their ‘ home ’ District .
30 This we did by making sure every request for spare parts , made on order slips , had been met by the delivery of these parts told us by the exact delivery slip .
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