Example sentences of "met on [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Richard and the two Kings met on 7 October at Châtillon-sur-Indre , on the border between Touraine and Berry .
2 When the Salvation Army met on 18 August to hold a thanksgiving service for the passing of the act , William Booth emphasized that the connection between legislation and morality was the keynote of victory .
3 Your Committee met on 18 September and 23 October 1989 .
4 After an hour or so of that Malm changed his tack and wanted to know whom Stephen had met on that morning walk , everything he had seen .
5 The screening board for candidates wishing to enrol as students of religious communication met on 5 July at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University .
6 The foreign ministers of the three Indo-Chinese regimes met on 5 January 1980 just before a visit to Hanoi by the Malaysian Foreign Minister .
7 The company 's three-man executive met on 5 September when it was clear that the estimated profit was unattainable .
8 The loose grouping , which has only met on two occasions , is known unofficially as HOG , the Hilton Object Group , after its inaugural meeting at the Boston Hilton last year .
9 The memory was triggered by talk of a young woman I had met on one trip who showed me Dyrhólæy and the sea pinnacles of Reynisdrangar near Vik .
10 The new Board of the Forth Ports Authority first met on 15th December and on 1st January 1968 , a new role commenced in administering and operating the Ports of Burntisland , Grangemouth , Granton , Kirkcaldy Leith and Methil as a single unit .
11 On 4 April 1579 , at the height of the debate about the proposed marriage between Elizabeth and the Duke of Anjou , he reported that the Privy Council had met on each of the previous five days from 8. a.m. until suppertime .
12 On May 6-8 , 1990 , the World Jewish Congress met on German soil for first time since its foundation in 1936 .
13 We are well met on this fine day indeed .
14 Er , we started off originally with all our expenses being met on these programmes .
15 The two men , chief negotiators for their respective sides , met on three occasions between Sept. 14 and Sept. 24 , discussing three specific ANC preconditions : the surveillance of migrant worker hostels ; a ban on the public display of dangerous weapons ; and the release of political prisoners .
16 The 62 members met on 28 May 1945 .
17 The moderate socialists still controlled the CEC elected by the first All-Russian Congress of Soviets in June , but acceded to demands that they summon a Second Congress which , following a series of regional soviet congresses , eventually met on 25 October .
18 Your Committee met on 2 December 1991 , when the principal items discussed were the Balance Sheet and the future Museum ( see below ) , the Winter Programme and progress on Glenburrell Bridge .
19 Your Committee met on 9 April 1990 , the main business being arrangements for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday , 4 May 1990 at 7.30 pm at the Community College , Bishop 's Castle .
20 During 1989 one such working party met on several occasions to look at decision-making in the light of the ERA .
21 But the Lord Lane I met at Aviemore could hardly have been more different — affable , witty and without a trace of self awareness of his office ; and if I call him Geoffrey here , it is only because after Aviemore we became friends , played the odd round of golf together , exchanged letters and met on several social occasions .
22 Because of the Government 's announcement of a review of the working of the Architects Registration Acts , 1931–1969 , the Committee met on several occasions to discuss this important issue .
23 The Working Party has met on several occasions and a research project is under way to provide all relevant background information .
24 The Sex Discrimination Committee first met on 30th January 1992 .
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