Example sentences of "met with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Maltese parliamentary secretary for the environment , Dr Stanley Zammit , has met with members of the country 's shooters ' and trappers ' association to discuss transferring government-owned woodland to association members .
2 Such competing explanations tend to different predictions of what can be expected in early adulthood as to whether or not the former truants have , for example , experienced difficulties in the labour market or high levels of unemployment , acquired qualifications since leaving school , or met with problems in other aspects of their lives such as their marriages or their mental health .
3 This was met with dismay and objection , but the logic could not be refuted .
4 News coming out recently from financial and government circles indicating government plans to increase duty on paper to 15% was met with dismay .
5 However , the rise in all domestic fuel costs from April next year was met with dismay by Mr Heywood .
6 Campaigners , calling for the convictions of Tony Poole and Gary Mills to be quashed have been given renewed hope after Gloucester MP Douglas French , met with Home Office officials .
7 Mr French claims a key witness was never called to give evidence and he 's now met with Home Office minister , Michael Jack to explain why he thinks the convictions are unsafe .
8 On Aug. 27 ECOWAS officials met with Ulimo chairman Raleigh Seekie in Freetown , Sierra Leone , to persuade him to commit Ulimo , which had not been represented at earlier talks , to applying the peace accord and surrendering its weapons .
9 Policies of economic redistribution to the less well off met with resistance from skilled workers at a time of low economic growth .
10 Some members of the Roman aristocracy became exceedingly Hellenised , but particular aspects of Greek culture met with resistance from the more conservative elements of Roman society .
11 Even Gloucester 's attack on their inheritance , usually a sensitive issue with the political community , does not seem to have met with resistance .
12 First , the review of objectives only allowed lay people to suggest the omission of objectives that they found inappropriate , and attempts to add to or change objectives met with resistance .
13 A Franco-Australian proposal [ see p. 37878 ] to ban mineral exploitation and designate the continent a " world park " , met with resistance from Japan , the United Kingdom and the USA at a meeting in Viva del Mar , Chile , in December of states party to the 1959 Antarctic Treaty [ see p. 37931 ] .
14 Janet Boulton , who spent two six-month periods doing portraits of geriatric patients in Radcliffe Infirmary in 1986 , has also met with resistance .
15 Even Gloucester 's attack on their inheritance , usually a sensitive issue with the political community , does not seem to have met with resistance .
16 But while much of Africa is clamouring for multi-party elections in the hope of replacing indifferent or corrupt governments , the prospect of political freedom is met with apprehension in Uganda .
17 Met with SEAD and interviewed for SEAD Newsletter and Radio Scotland .
18 They cried for mercy but their pleas were met with abuse and laughter .
19 Though these bits , unashamedly sentimental , met with laughter , it seemed most like a nervous release of the tension of the previous scenes .
20 Shivering and crying , their pleas for mercy were met with laughter and abuse .
21 Whereas in ( 1 ) B's talk is received seriously — without laughter , in fact with silence followed by supportive agreements — in ( 2 ) , V 's talk is met with laughter and is clearly perceived as joking .
22 The frequency with which Creole utterances are met with laughter in my conversational data is remarkable .
23 A turn which contains the Creole pronunciation is often met with laughter , as in ( 13 ) .
24 Their lack of faith is met with Moses ' anger and then with God 's exasperation , but nothing more .
25 Second , that fertility of these cohorts depends on the extent to which they can match these aspirations in their subsequent adult life , any shortfall in ‘ relative income ’ being met with responses to limit fertility through deferred marriage or smaller family size .
26 And despite the rhetoric , US officials met with North Korean counterparts yesterday .
27 Met with Theology & Development students and church representatives .
28 The guidance , while encouraging social workers to share information with clients about their needs , warns them against recording this on the assessment form because clients could go to court over any assessed needs which are not being met with services .
29 On Tuesday morning , management met with ITGWU officials .
30 The changes had met with howls of rage from the profession ; a host of cartoons in the press ; but above all a reduction in price for the consumer .
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