Example sentences of "to bring [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Lamont also used the news as an opportunity to rule out once again any more cuts in interest rates in the immediate future , saying the signs of spontaneous recovery confirm his judgement that he has done enough to bring the recession to an end .
2 Oswiu 's decision at Whitby in favour of the Roman Easter indicates an appreciation of the need to bring the Church among the northern Angles into some degree of greater conformity with the Church of Rome , though he evidently envisaged a relatively slow process of accommodation to Catholic requirements under the Irish Tuda as the new bishop of Lindisfarne .
3 She was dismissed , sources say , after opposing the international tour expected by Barnes trustees to bring the foundation at least $7 million .
4 We can imagine the formation of such a chemical bond as requiring that a spring be compressed to bring the substances close to one another , at which point they are held together by a catch , as the jack is held in a jack-in-the-box .
5 When visitors arrived at my house , I used to bring the coaches and horses inside , and put them carefully on my table .
6 I , whose family offer to bring the stepladder if I plan to point the skirting board ?
7 The two and a half hour plenary session this afternoon will provide a forum to bring the insights of the workshops to everyone at the conference and to make practical suggestions for the way forward .
8 Although the truth was soon established the fright was sufficient to cause orders to be sent to Cumberland and Sir John Ligonier to bring the army back from the north .
9 Their best chances fell to Littlejohn , but he volleyed over from David May 's misplaced header when he had time to bring the ball under control , and was then denied by Bobby Mimms .
10 In W. J. Perry 's The Origin of Magic and Religion which he reviewed in July 1924 , four months before these lines appeared , Eliot read of ‘ old stone images ’ of the Melanesians , of mana , of the handing down of rituals , and of W. H. R. Rivers 's work on ‘ an extensive literature in which attempts are made to bring the symbolism of myth and ritual into relation with modern views concerning its rôle in the dream and disease ’ .
11 The most obvious of these had been to bring the fate of the occupied territories onto centre stage internationally , persuading George Schultz to renew his peace mediation efforts .
12 Afro-Caribbean parents , in particular , had consistently attempted to bring the fate of their children in British schools to public attention .
13 The example was quoted of the Social Work Department being extensively restructured to meet the requirements of the Community Care legislation and to bring the service closer to the consumer .
14 It is a recurring phenomenon and perhaps when you miss that particular notch you have to adopt original even eccentric strategies to bring the times and yourself together in the big bang of true fame and real success .
15 Napoleon III was well aware of the danger posed by prolonged disputes about the Spanish succession and in an attempt to bring the problem to a quick end , he proposed as a ‘ neutral ’ candidate the Portuguese Prince , Fernando , husband and former King-Consort of Queen Maria .
16 This , observed Crosland , ‘ was perhaps the greatest achievement of those years — to bring the problem of teacher supply within sight of solution . ’
17 IN THE 1970s everyone seemed to be worried about the dangers of work : Jeanne Stellman and Susan Daum , with Work is Dangerous for your Health , and Patrick Kinnersley , with The Hazards of Work , were among the authors to bring the problems to our attention .
18 Part of Neil MacDonald 's task in visiting Chile is to write a book about Oxfam 's work there to try to bring the problems home to the British public .
19 You 'd get bored with it before you 'd , you know , so but you need to bring the others in .
20 The industry , meanwhile , had moved into a different era ; the international standards had changed , and it was time to bring the law up-to-date .
21 The CNAA gave its first approval to a modular course , for example , in 1972 — the logic of which was ultimately to bring the Council strongly into the field of credit accumulation and transfer .
22 As Tory backbenchers cheered , the Chancellor said : ‘ British business now has the opportunity it has been looking for — to bring the country out of recession , to increase sales , expand production and invest for the future .
23 It urged the Pakistan Government to release all Ahmadi prisoners of conscience unconditionally and immediately , and to bring the country 's legislation in line with international human rights standards .
24 Italian bankers also welcome the introduction of universal banking , though some grumble that regulators have been slow to bring the country into line with other European states .
25 True , some of these seem expressly designed to bring the country into confrontation with America .
26 In a referendum on June 2 , voters rejected by 790,754 votes ( 54.3 per cent ) to 664,271 ( 45.7 per cent ) financial reforms designed to bring the country 's fiscal system more in line with the rest of western Europe .
27 Its aim is to bring the machine to the market by late 1993 , and in order to achieve this goal it needs additional engineers .
28 On the other hand , when the family atmosphere becomes particularly strained or difficult , the counsellor should attempt to bring the discussion around to a more harmonious matter .
29 Scientists in France have found a new way to bring the past back to life .
30 There 's still unfortunately a great deal of history which is pegged to dates , and dates are very important to historians , but fortunately now there 's a lot of history which tries to bring the past back to life in some kind of way .
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