Example sentences of "set [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 Malcolm Edwards , British Coal 's commercial director , told an electricity conference in London that the corporation was prepared to enter supply deals lasting eight years — the same period set down for the bulk of initial contracts between privatised electricity generators and distribution companies .
2 The serious Christian , set down for the first time in a Christian community , is likely to bring with him a very definite idea of what Christian life together should be and try to realize it .
3 As he knows , I must decide whether to give this matter precedent over the business set down for today or for tomorrow .
4 As he knows , I have to decide whether his application comes within the Standing Order and , if so , whether a debate should be granted which would take precedence over the business set down for today or tomorrow .
5 But presently the crowd loosened into smaller groups and a good many people went off into the village or set off for outlying farms .
6 He got up and dressed as though in a trance , and set off for the Castle with the hangdog look of a condemned man .
7 She combed her hair , applied her make-up and set off for the Post Office .
8 Then they have five days to sell the dog , make arrangements for the wife and kids and set off for Moscow 's Star City , ’ he said .
9 When he had gone , Arty , smiling to himself at what he considered a victory , got out of bed and set off for the bathroom to wash his hair .
10 After meeting the Soviet culture minister , and the musical director of the Bolshoi opera , Mr Palmer set off for a cellar club-cum-recording studio and gallery to hear a folk singer break the musical mould and , hopefully , erase the memory of the song ( ‘ I Belong To … ’ )
11 He immediately set off for Germany in a van and the rest is history .
12 He bounded over the thirteenth and fourteenth and set off for the Chair , that huge open ditch which forms the biggest obstacle on the course .
13 He set off for the Canal Turn in glorious isolation while behind him the rest of the field manically tried to salvage some hope from the disaster .
14 Miss Harker set off for London with her young charge two days later .
15 Mrs Major 's party set off for the northern half of the seat to goad the faithful and stir the idle while Mr Major toured the south .
16 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
17 If a pup from the England A team should over-pitch the new ball , then , sure as eggs are eggs , England 's captain will tonk it back past him and set off for the first runs of 1992 .
18 I at once applied for leave , which was granted , and set off for Edinburgh on the overnight train .
19 Then , with a small group of his best experts , Gehlen set off for Bavaria to await the arrival of the Americans .
20 After a few minutes Crabb returned to the jetty for some extra weights to overcome his buoyancy and , having fitted these to his satisfaction , set off for the Russian cruiser .
21 This letter was written the day after father and son set off for Italy .
22 On his father 's instruction Mozart and his mother set off for Paris in March 1778 .
23 This was not quite ready when Mozart set off for Munich and so Mozart 's letters to his father , who acted as intermediary between him and the librettist , reveal a great deal of the process of writing .
24 Thomson , eager to experience as many of these opportunities as possible , set off for Penang in 1862 .
25 When the attack ceased they managed to cannibalize parts to get one truck going and set off for the rendezvous with Fraser , only to find nobody there .
26 All went well on the long trip to the Jebel mountains and from there the intrepid raiding party set off for their target .
27 I must go and break it to dear Dimity , and then we must clear up things here , and set off for Thrush Green without delay . ’
28 When Gladys Aylward , the unstoppable English missionary , set off for China from Liverpool Street Station in 1930 , she had with her a suitcase containing hard-boiled eggs , meat cubes , tins of corned beef , baked beans , biscuits and soda cakes .
29 He got his brother to look after the bar for an hour or so , bundled Maidstone into a taxi driven by a friend of his and set off for Maidstone 's apartment in the Vomero .
30 Having established himself at Ince , Killigrew set off for the busy mercantile town of Plymouth , where he soon fell in with a merchant , Tremayne , who had a daughter , Mary .
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