Example sentences of "set [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The shops he had just examined stretched all the way back to the churchyard wall and their rear windows , set grimly amongst the headstones and mausoleums , had to be checked too .
2 Painters had to accept that they were likely to be ignored , shunned , set on by dogs like tramps , under suspicion like wandering lunatics and criminals .
3 Pliny 's standing as author of the Historia Naturalis was such that not a few of the beliefs which he set down without personal commitment have continued to influence popular superstitions for nearly two millennia .
4 Pursuant to the Practice Direction ( Transfer of Action ) [ 1991 ] WLR 643 ( see para 1.35 ) , every action set down under automatic directions will be examined within seven days by a master to determine whether a transfer should be considered .
5 Malcolm Edwards , British Coal 's commercial director , told an electricity conference in London that the corporation was prepared to enter supply deals lasting eight years — the same period set down for the bulk of initial contracts between privatised electricity generators and distribution companies .
6 The serious Christian , set down for the first time in a Christian community , is likely to bring with him a very definite idea of what Christian life together should be and try to realize it .
7 As he knows , I must decide whether to give this matter precedent over the business set down for today or for tomorrow .
8 As he knows , I have to decide whether his application comes within the Standing Order and , if so , whether a debate should be granted which would take precedence over the business set down for today or tomorrow .
9 On the way to Whitby and the first hostel , we turned off at Skinningrove , a steel-producing town that looked exactly like a slice of Newcastle 's backstreets scooped up and set down on the rugged coastline .
10 It would n't improve my chances of pleasing the God-King if more ceptors phased out at the wrong moment so that the ship set down on top of something valuable — like the royal palace , the Divine Sanctum .
11 The room was silent as she scrabbled in her box of pieces and , from the very bottom , produced a couple that she set down on the board with two decisive clicks .
12 With the increased number of workmen living in the expanding town of Bletchley , a Bletchley workman 's train was put on and this picked up and set down at Loughton .
13 In the books they write , music is heard in country places — trumpets , fiddles , the cimbalom — and love shows its face in country hotels , pleasant places , set down beside a stretch of water .
14 Along came a spider and set down behind her
15 Courts would be involved in pre-trial procedure much more actively than at present in attempting to keep the parties to proposed new timetables , whilst allowing for a realistic degree of relaxation by the court , and permitting the parties to vary particular time limits by agreement , subject always to the obligation to have the case ready for trial and set down within the overall timetable .
16 It will also be permissible for parties to vary particular time limits by agreement , subject always to the obligations to have the case ready for trial and set down within the overall timetable .
17 The typical North memo , according to General Galvin , implied that ‘ a whole lot more is going to happen that was really intended to happen in there ’ ; a colleague said they were North 's equivalent of a Potemkin Village , set down in unreal Washington .
18 The writer , a stranger , set down in their midst .
19 Sasbach is really no more than a scatter of houses , a couple of shops , a garage and a church set down in the middle of vineyards and orchards .
20 She closed her tired , bloodshot eyes and saw herself again as a young woman , buxom and pregnant , set down in wild bush country , her only asset a husband as young and as strong as herself .
21 In the shorter run , however , the property qualifications for the franchise set down in the act did effectively exclude the working class from political participation through the ballot box , although the franchise itself was only increased by some 220000 in England and Wales .
22 Their leader had quiet words with the cardinal , who smiled , clapped his hands , and a green baize-covered table and two chairs were brought in and set down in the middle of the hall .
23 The national gallery told the Minister 's predecessor , the right hon. Member for Shoreham — no doubt the arguments were repeated to the Minister personally by many of the trustees and directors of the museums — that they did not want powers of disposal — not because they did not trust their own intellectual judgment , but , following the line set down in the Museums and Galleries Commission 's 1988 report on the national gallery , because those powers should not be forced on the galleries .
24 Such a move is only a matter of time , but the time-scale will vary considerably from authority to authority depending on the phasing-in of their delegation schemes and the speed at which they restructure the various service departments to meet the new role which has to be created within the strategy and time-scale set down by the legislation .
25 It said that far too many teachers had the perception that unless they followed the good practice set down by local authority advisers , their career prospects in the city would be blighted .
26 Essentially he held to the line taken by the Ministry of Health in the 1930s : the school medical service was primarily educational , and had never been designed as a complete child health service , nor as an agency to relieve poverty as such — indeed , it operated within strict terms of reference set down by Parliament ; systematic medical inspection of evacuees would have been impossible in the conditions of panic and devastation forecast by all civil defence planners before the war ; many of the evacuees ' problems , such as bed-wetting , had cleared up quickly .
27 You 've heard before that Leeds works within the rules of the framework set down by regional planning guidance , and that makes very and the main stream of that guidance is the revitalization of our inner areas .
28 Either you consider that the County Farms are playing a role set down by law and supported over the years of an , which no other authority and no other body in the country can provide , and which is a socially valuable role , and that is to provide the first step in farming , and clearly they do .
29 He says that the incinerator conforms to strict new guiidlines about air pollution set down by the Government .
30 Pepita set down among the crates to wait for her friend and the rum to reach her .
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