Example sentences of "set [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If the alternative Freelink pickup and/or set down point is more than 10 miles away from the one your originally booked , we will contribute £5 per person towards any extra costs that may be incurred by you and £10 per person if the alternative is more than 30 miles away .
2 Howard 's accounts received such widespread attention at the time and are still read two hundred years after his death because he so precisely ‘ set down matter of fact ’ .
3 He set off burglar alarms after wriggling through a ventilation hole at Eynsford , Kent .
4 Detaching his fifty Dalwolsey men to add to Moray 's two hundred , he said farewell to the Regent , Douglas and the others , and set off north by east , up Liddesdale .
5 That they set off neck and neck .
6 An engineer at a nuclear power station in Pennsylvania set off radiation alarms as he ‘ walked into work ’ .
7 In France , the one country that had developed a strong tradition of vernacular opera with its own different aesthetic , it needed only a visit of an Italian company playing a repertoire of opere buffe to spark off one of the most celebrated of musical civil wars , the querelle des bouffons , a war which was renewed a quarter of a century later when the pro-Italian faction set up Piccinni in rivalry with the now gallicized Gluck .
8 It is two years since the 44-year-old former convict set up Convoy Aid and now he devotes his life to the Romanian orphans .
9 By the time Anthony Cheetham left and set up Century , Maxwell had bought BPCC and Thomas was appointed director of publicity , responsible for both paid-for promotions and PR .
10 In 1964–5 , with John Hopkins , he set up Love Books , specifically to publish experimental writing and poetry .
11 But such pretentious billing set up Cuisine 2000 for instant mockery whenever problems arose — as surely they did .
12 Guppy ‘ set up gold scam ’
13 France and Italy set up dolphin haven
14 They let the horses wander there with Rimir , Isay and two of Finnan 's men watching over them , then found a relatively dry spot and set up camp in what had become their normal routine .
15 By December Gould had crossed the Liverpool Range and set up camp on the banks of the Mokai .
16 In either case , set up scaffold boards parallel with the position of the first length so you can walk safely across the room at a convenient height .
17 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
18 The state now has to intervene to guarantee demand , protect markets , set up state monopolies , regulate foreign trade , control credit and fight imperialist wars .
19 Third , a federal provision gives tax credits to firms that set up manufacturing operations in US possessions , most notably Puerto Rico .
20 We have eight firms involved in hi-tech and data processing industries showing positive signs of wishing to come to Cowal and set up manufacturing bases .
21 International winger Bryan Roy set up striker Ron Willems 's headed equaliser just before the full-time whistle in the 2–2 draw with MVV Maastricht .
22 In 1986 the IBA set up Committee 20 to promote discussion on cultural property and to promote the harmonisation of relevant national and international laws .
23 The most serious attacks occurred in the decade after 998 when the Norsemen set up winter quarters in what was to become their favourite location , the Isle of Wight , and ‘ lived off the land ’ by repeatedly plundering the south coast .
24 We actually set up buffet in there
25 Several German banks have in recent years set up capital market units in London to trade deutschmark bonds .
26 The hirer sued the owner of the excavator as vicariously liable for the driver 's negligence , and the owner set up clause 8 of the contract as a defence , on the basis that it transferred liability for the driver 's actions to the hirer .
27 It also set up Village Leagues , an attempt to create a co-operative Palestinian structure in the less politically active villages of the West Bank .
28 It is widely thought that they are descended from genes , or groups of genes , of higher organisms , which have somehow escaped and set up life on their own .
29 Johnson & Johnson chief executive Frank De Angeli did a management buy-out and set up Devro in Scotland , where it quickly become a major exporter world wide .
30 Grown-up sons go off on their own , grown-up daughters stay put or set up splinter groups nearby .
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