Example sentences of "set up [art] " in BNC.

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1 We hounded him to such effect that he responded in the classic 1970s way and set up no less than an official committee of inquiry to consider the whole position .
2 Tsar after tsar floated notions of at least ameliorating the virtual slavery of the peasantry : Nicholas set up no less than nine secret committees to consider the issue .
3 Attractions included a travelling funfair that set up every year on the field beside the factory 's private runway and a gigantic firework display during the evening .
4 Westminster City Council community liaison officer David Tan set up a training session last week , with a Cantonese interpreter at the Man Fu Kung restaurant in London 's Leicester Square .
5 Lucy arranged the contents of a folder on the table and set up a typewriter .
6 At the same time , Libet set up a procedure for allowing subjects to report the time at which they first experienced the conscious intention to act .
7 Tries by Allan Bateman and Colin Laity brought the home team back into the hunt and set up a stirring finale to the heavyweight contest .
8 But in 1985 , after the Sino-British settlement was announced , he resigned , declaring the move to be a protest against Britain 's withholding of full citizenship from Hong Kong passport holders , and set up a trust to advise would-be emigrants on alternative rights of abode .
9 In 1988 the Long-term Credit Bank of Japan set up a joint investment advisory company with Foreign & Colonial Management .
10 Khieu Samphan , 58 , has a doctorate in economics from the University of Paris , and after returning to Cambodia set up a left-wing newspaper and served in Sihanouk 's parliament before fleeing to join the Khmer Rouge in the bush in 1967 .
11 But then , at about 9pm , it suddenly set up a fortissimo peeping , and from that moment never looked back .
12 A US company that set up a film importing subsidiary in South Korea was subjected to intensive intimidation , including the release of snakes into cinemas to deter cinema customers .
13 It set up a succession of bodies to deal with the problem , but in 1922 it actually cut back expenditure , already insufficient , in this sphere .
14 The prestigious university of Petrograd , whose affairs will be reviewed later in another context , set up a famine commission and sent an expedition to afflicted areas .
15 In 1981 the then Head of Mrs Thatcher 's Policy Unit , Ferdinand Mount ( author of the book , The Subversive Family ) , set up a Family Policy Group , a committee of Cabinet ministers , with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life and promoting a sense of individual responsibility .
16 She set up a bedside vigil , had special drugs imported from Germany , played him his favourite music and discouraged everyone else from visiting , including his own children .
17 In order to wean the company away from a reliance on theatre plays , he set up a major script department which drew on the talents of writers like Frank Launder , Sidney Gilliatt , Val Guest and Michael Pertwee , as well as occasionally giving jobs to young writers like Christopher Isherwood .
18 The Revenue also agreed that if BAe set up a leasing company to take over new Rover plant , rental charges would be tax deductible .
19 The third duke , whose wife had left him , set up a lady friend here ; and what more perfect house could exist for romantic visitations ?
20 He had worked along with Lutyens in the office of Sir Ernest George and set up a practice in Bourton on the Hill , Gloucestershire , where he was kept in constant commission by the smart hunting crowd .
21 Mr Suharto has been tempting it back into his orbit by , for example , encouraging a Chinese business group to help it set up a bank , thus giving the NU 's members a useful stake in the economic largesse that the government can dispense .
22 The Soviet parliament voted the address unconstitutional and set up a special committee , dominated by Communist hardliners , to send a formal appeal to the Russian parliament .
23 Norman Mazure , a London estate agent , set up a special unit two years ago with Stickley and Kent , a large London chain of agents , to deal mostly with repossessed homes .
24 It was in 1975 that Congress made the SEC set up a National Market System for securities , which required efficient execution of transactions , fair competition among broker-dealers and the availability of price quotes .
25 Pension funds have been around for a century or more , but their modern form was set in 1950 when Charles Wilson , then president of General Motors , set up a fund for his workers .
26 Furthermore , as some of you here know , the diocese of Bath and Wells set up a working party in 1986 to set out our own policy .
27 The Miners ' Federation of Great Britain , which had passed resolutions in favour of both workers ' control and nationalization , supported state control and in order to avoid industrial conflict the Lloyd George Coalition government set up a royal commission , chaired by Lord Sankey , to investigate the coal industry .
28 In January 1933 it set up a central By-Election Insurance Fund to help needy constituencies to put forward candidates .
29 Indeed , Bradford set up a home for Basque children up Manningham Lane , though it was largely financed by the Trades Council .
30 Under Mary , the Crown set up a sliding scale of military liability , so that poorer members of the community were obliged to supply a suit of armour , spear and bow and arrow , while those worth a thousand pounds or more were expected to provide sixteen horses , sixty suits of armour , fifty helmets , forty pikes , thirty long-bows , twenty bills , and twenty arquebuses .
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