Example sentences of "set back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She tried to tug her arm away , but he ignored her struggles , leading her into a small , plush-carpeted room furnished simply with a desk and bookcase , a couple of armchairs , and a long , padded couch set back along one wall .
2 Julius 's face set back into implacable lines .
3 So I left Mala to it , went back to my cabin 's screens and terminals , and set back to probing the data banks for something about phetam .
4 Workers are more limited to particular geographical locations , and workers ' organizations can be completely destroyed or set back for years by unsuccessful struggles such as long running strikes or ( still more ) a general strike .
5 Beyond the sitting room , a large area with an old brick fireplace set back in a spacious alcove , piles of cut logs flanking it , a narrow passage led to the kitchen and a small study .
6 Over the road , set back in its own garden , a house ; and certainly anyone could see what they liked from the upstairs windows .
7 Didier had class-mates who lived in the extensive nineteenth-century houses , set back in their own grounds , on the hill behind the rue Victorie .
8 She followed the boy to a house set back in a palm-lined road , which was light years away from the urchin 's poverty-stricken background .
9 She has a best of 54.14 set back in 1990 — before the arrival of daughter Aoibhe , now 16 months old — and over the hurdles her best is 59.90 .
10 The houses were spacious , detached , each one built to an individual design and set back from the road in well-kept gardens : it was the posh part of town .
11 Vic 's house , at the end of the village , was detached and set back from the road behind a neat lawn .
12 The pension is situated about 10 minutes walk from the village , set back from the road .
13 It was about a mile from the village , set back from the road , with tall iron gates , securely locked , at the entrance , and a few yards inside them a lodge .
14 This colonial-style bungalow stands in an elevated position , set back from the main road , with fine views of the small Somerset town of Crewkerne and the surrounding hills .
15 Past a house that was larger , set back from the road , beyond a lawn on which the rain made ponds , and he saw the flash of an old woman 's face at a window and then the falling of a lace curtain .
16 The former view was still available to the tourist , from the bridge that spanned the Archway Road , but Roxborough 's fine house had gone , replaced in the late thirties with an anonymous ten-storey tower , set back from the street .
17 I was directed up through the town , past some municipal gardens to a small building set back from the road .
18 It had small , dark windows in a main building set back from the road behind a staff block and a perimeter wall of newer red brick .
19 Her eyes were drawn by the impenetrable blackness of the alleys between the parade of houses opposite , a clutch of raucous youths tumbling out of a Victorian plastic pub on the corner and a drunk dressed in a greasy jacket sitting on a bench set back from the road .
20 Far ahead of her , Sabine could see a cluster of buildings , obviously a farm , but on her left , set back from the road across an expanse of roughly cropped grass and stones , was a smaller property , whitewashed walls , and earth-red tiles , standing alone .
21 The Mercedes slid to a halt outside a fair-sized , 1930s detached house set back from the road by a small garden which had thoughtfully been concreted over .
22 Directly to his left the flint walls of Martyr 's Cottage glistened like marbles in the afternoon sun and less than half a mile to the north , set back among the Californian pines which fringed that part of the coast , was the dull square cottage rented by Hilary Robarts , a neatly proportional suburban villa incongruously set down on this bleak headland and facing inland as if resolutely ignoring the sea .
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