Example sentences of "standing [prep] one " in BNC.

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1 When he passed the churchyard , and the ancient trees around it , he noticed that someone was standing behind one of the trees .
2 The grandfather clock standing against one wall was a wedding present to her parents .
3 If he had not actually gone into the room he would not have seen Gina ; she was standing against one of the bookcases hidden from him by the open door .
4 He was standing against one of the walls of the bedroom , one elbow resting on a long teak shelf which at one time must have contained books , but was now bare , resting his head against the palm of his raised hand in an attitude of relaxation .
5 So pressing his camera to my eye I tried to focus on this tanned , happy man , standing with one boot over the edge of a 200- or 300-foot drop , and the other on the edge of thin air .
6 Instead of meandering up a path to the top , chatting amicably to a pal about how George Michael used to be good in Wham and passing round the butterscotch , they choose a cliff and try to reach the summit by slowly inching their way up vertical rock , pushing their fingers into tiny fissures and standing with one toe on a ledge the size of a pebble .
7 She said they did everything in teams , for the honour , and what was the good of that , when she could leave them all standing with one arm tied behind her back ?
8 ‘ Possibly , ’ said Sixsmith , who was half standing with one hand awkwardly dipped into his inside pocket .
9 Wycliffe was standing with one arm resting on the counter , gazing at the freckled man whose sparse red hair was combed in streaks across his skull .
10 He was watching her intently , standing with one hand on the back of a chair , looking perfectly relaxed , but it was the deceptive ease of a panther and could change in a flash .
11 Yet I know of no picture in which the mid-day heat of Midsummer is so admirably expressed ; and were not the eye refreshed by the shade thrown over a great part of the foreground by some young trees , that border the road , and the cool blue of water near it , one would wish , in looking at it , for a parasol , as Fuseli wished for an umbrella when standing before one of Constable 's showers .
12 In many cases a man made his way by individual enterprise , in others a family grew in standing from one generation to the next , with the early stages of its ascent passing unnoticed .
13 Mrs Fellows was told that she could go home but that she should continue her leg exercises and avoid standing in one position for long periods .
14 But better still is the delightful Gothic cloister which opens on the southern side of the nave , an asylum all the more praiseworthy for opening on the far side on to the street , and with an admirable fig tree standing in one corner to remind you that , northern Gothic or no , you are in the south .
15 The laws are the same on a bullet train or on a jet airplane as they are for someone standing in one place .
16 It was an imposing mansion standing in one of Geneva 's central streets and overlooking the Rhone .
17 The floor was tiled in a deep terracotta shade , but there was no furniture apart from a black enamelled stove standing in one corner on a raised hearth .
18 Mrs Fletcher and a neighbour were standing outside one with a huge sunflower growing in front of it .
19 Language learners are social outsiders of a different kind , standing outside one community by virtue of belonging to another .
20 Lucy did not see Doreen or Silas again until late in the afternoon when she moved to close the office window , and it was then that she caught sight of them standing outside one of the chalets .
21 Standing over one man ,
22 He now knew less about her than the day they had first met in the post office , standing beside one another on the scrubbed hollow boards , waiting for the evening mail van to come .
23 Vigo was standing beside one of the windows , fingering some instruments in a tray , and when Wexford came in he did n't look up .
24 Standing beside one of the fireplaces she touched a dark oil painting .
25 Standing beside one of the giant tubers , its massive arms radiating out from a bulbous centre , he is dwarfed by its tallest limb .
26 Curtis was standing beside one of the unmarked Homicide cars parked outside the Eldorado apartment block , absent mindedly toying with a clear plastic production bag .
27 Any exercises which use the calf muscles , such as heel raises , hopping , standing on one leg would be beneficial .
28 Some ideas are as follows : the first team to have everyone sat on the floor , first team to have everyone standing on one leg .
29 She saw the housemaid , Lily , standing on one side , and Philip , grey and hollow-eyed with fear , holding on to Eileen .
30 Others display their feelings of relaxation by standing on one leg , as you 've probably seen flamingoes do in nature films .
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