Example sentences of "to tell you this " in BNC.

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1 Anyroad , there 's no need to tell you this — you 've lived down here long enough , ’ he continued .
2 At first we just made conversation , but after a couple of drinks Reid looked at me thoughtfully , twiddling his half-empty glass , and said , ‘ There 's no reason not to tell you this , Kit , but since we 've got to work together , I 'd rather explain my mode of living before the old cats on the island — the European gossips — start telling you stories .
3 ‘ Well , I do n't know how to tell you this , ’ said the Headmaster , ‘ but this morning we had to send your home from school for having a wee in the swimming pool . ’
4 ‘ I feel ashamed to tell you this , Father , but Michael has bought himself another club , this time a bordello . ’
5 ‘ Look , Mr. Preston , I 'm trying to tell you this whole thing the way it happened .
6 ‘ Oh , I was n't going to tell you this , but I went to the bank and asked to see the Manager .
7 You ca n't expect people to tell you this , tell you that .
8 Your LIFESPAN Manager will be able to tell you this name .
9 I 'm very sorry to have to tell you this — but Mrs Kemp tried to kill herself this afternoon . ’
10 Believe me , Juliet , I did n't want to tell you this , but if I had n't I know Celia would , and she does n't know the true facts . ’
11 ‘ Look , Bernie , I have n't been able to bring myself to tell you this , but I 'm not sure if I 'll ever be able to go back on stage .
12 ‘ Oh , little love , ’ he breathed , and while from his adoring tone she knew herself forgiven , ‘ I — do n't know quite how to tell you this — ’ He paused , but , clearly deciding that there was only one way , he proceeded to completely stagger her when , ‘ It is a fact , my dear , that I did not , and never have , promised an interview to your sister , or to anyone else representing Verity magazine . ’
13 Listen , I 'm going to tell you this and you can believe it or not : Uncle Mosse had been dead about a week when they took me in to identify him .
14 I do n't know how to tell you this I ca n't I ca n't
15 I 'm afraid , I 'm afraid , no , I am very sorry to tell you this but your son has been murdered said Sergeant Briggs , murdered , but how ?
16 Hm , I think we said last time that they had to tell you this month with the money .
17 Dad they 're not gon na be looking at your legs , I hate to tell you this .
18 I hate to tell you this but the er the forecast for the weather is pretty awful this year .
19 Oh I did n't want to tell you this Phil , but
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