Example sentences of "called the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 McLeod called the rest of the team together and asked the entire squad if they had access to prescribed drugs .
2 Matilda Jenkins opened the bedroom door and called the rest of the boys in .
3 But it was unlikely to remove what John McQueen called the sense of imprisonment , which might however generate , as it did for Walter Scott and Benjamin Haydon , a determination to escape .
4 Someone there was having a heated argument with an official , who then called the guard to deal with the matter .
5 But this richness and complexity of discursive texture in the novel , what Bakhtin called the novel 's ‘ polyphony ’ , offers a certain resistance to the idea of the novel as communication .
6 It amounted to a coded acknowledgement of the barely-supressed rage of Conservative MPs , mostly on the right , whose concern over a fresh wave of ‘ large-scale immigration ’ hitting overcrowded facilities in Britain was clothed yesterday in language close to that of Mr Gerald Kaufman , the shadow Foreign Secretary , who called the plan ‘ inherently unworkable , invidious and divisive ’ , and demanded details on how it would work .
7 Talbot called the sonar room .
8 Er about this strike and er but time went on and it became obvious that er nobody were going to win only the boss like this boss , course he was he was scratching through , and so they called the strike off and every person who worked at er every firm had a meeting and they all decided to take so many and every firm took so many of the workers and so nobody was ever unemployed as a consequence of the strike which was very very good .
9 The Confederation of Independent Bulgarian Trade Unions ( CITUB ) , which called the strike , claimed that 770,000 workers had taken part , but the government said that a maximum of 330,000 were involved and the rival labour federation Podkrepa ( " Support " ) claimed that no more than 10,000 had stopped work .
10 They called the phenomenon long-term potentiation , soon abbreviated to LTP .
11 His Foreign Minister , Michio Watanabe , had caused outrage in 1988 by attributing America 's difficulties to what he called the irresponsibility of its black population .
12 The Romans called the spirit or GHOST of a dead person his manes or mares , and believed it was also interred deep in the earth in its master 's grave .
13 In the end they called the child after Mrs Gracie 's dead sister Lilian .
14 Clusters of actions so she looked at things like the use of the hands the use of the feet the use of the eyes erm and what she called the centre line .
15 ‘ There 's a new restaurant in Stowbridge called the Mayflower .
16 He captured her in a variety of poses and moods which reflect her many facets : as a grande dame in a hat and fur collar ; as a great courtesan — ‘ Madam Pompadour ’ he called the painting , perhaps deliberately mis-spelling it ; in a wicker chair ; demure in front of the piano ; and he sketched her all the time , with quick , deft strokes .
17 And it was there were two there was what they called the barn , the lofts they called it .
18 ‘ Sorry for the delay but there 's a preceding train in front , ’ called the driver through his intercom .
19 ‘ Navan ! ’ called the driver , and I jumped up and reached for my bag .
20 ‘ Going once at one hundred , ’ called the auctioneer , assuming the foetal position .
21 I called the Globe and asked for Connors .
22 Turnover slipped from £305m to £302m , but chairman Ken Coates called the performance ‘ remarkably resilient ’ .
23 ‘ Sergeant ! ’ called the boy .
24 They called the boy Mikhail .
25 On impulse , he called the boy back .
26 They called the boy Hareton .
27 Hunt 's main claim to fame these days is his two-year term in prison for a particularly nasty libel — he called the Prince Regent ‘ a fat Adonis of 50 ’ .
28 Ten years ago a group was formed in South Devon called The South Hams Smallholders Group .
29 Well there was one Well father was in Cross but er there was one in what we called the South End .
30 Headmaster ! ’ called the voice again .
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