Example sentences of "called for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He unhooked the radio and called for backup , giving a description of the car and its registration number .
2 He called for mobilization of reservists " to stop the Croatian fascists " .
3 Dieter guided her to an empty chair ; she was trembling violently and he called for brandy .
4 A national " mass of reconciliation " was proposed for Aug. 15 by the " revolutionary Peronism " faction of the ruling Justicialist Party , including the remnants of the Montoneros , who called for reconciliation with the armed forces and an amnesty for their imprisoned leader Mario Firmenich [ see p. 35561 ] ; this mass was to have been attended both by former Montonero guerrillas and by military officers from the dirty war , but was cancelled by the Church when it became clear that certain officers were using it to support their demand for an amnesty .
5 POPE John Paul , on his first trip to the former Soviet Union , yesterday called for reconciliation in post-communist nations and said their people should not be divided into ‘ winners and losers ’ .
6 Under Resolution 45/226 , adopted unanimously on the same day , the Assembly also called for emergency relief for Sudan , noting " the continuing negative impact of persistent natural disasters and armed conflict " in the country .
7 June 17 : at a session of the USSR Supreme Soviet , Prime Minister Pavlov called for emergency powers on a par with those already exercised by Gorbachev to be given to him and his Cabinet in order to tackle effectively the country 's economic and social crisis .
8 At Gwynedd Education Committee , Coun Jill Knight called for funding for the units which serve the special needs of young children , leading to their integration into mainstream schooling .
9 Mr Stitt called for funding to be made available outwith the MoD budget to maintain the airborne SAR ( search and rescue ) service which the public expected .
10 The crisis comes after the parent company in Holland called for court protection from its creditors .
11 He called for removal of religious images , causing much vandalism in parish churches .
12 In his verdict , he called for consideration to be given to regulations restricting punts to the relatively safe waters of the Cherwell and to review the conditions under which they could be hired .
13 Sir Charles called for order as the hall emptied and promised the residue a ‘ lively debate ’ upon the Health Service .
14 That was one of the arguments put forward by the city 's MP when he called for self government for Gloucester under the coming council shake-up .
15 Claudia called for champagne and someone else suggested they put on some records and dance in the hall .
16 I called for champagne .
17 The Health and Safety Commission also called for help from business , particularly small firms , ‘ for whom Government regulation — if there is no proper advice and assistance — can sometimes seem to be a particularly heavy burden ’ , said its chairman , .
18 Kathleen called for help and ran to meet him .
19 Through this people God called for resistance to the great rebel and usurper of the world .
20 On the twenty-ninth day , being the day before he departed , he called for Doña Ximena , and for the Bishop Don Hieronymo , and Don Alvar Fañez Minaya , and Pero Bermudez , and his trusty Gil Diaz ; and when they were all five before him , he began to direct them what they should do after his death ; and he said to them , Ye know that King Bucar will presently be here to besiege this city , with seven and thirty Kings whom he bringeth with him , and with a mighty power of Moors .
21 In speeches delivered by him during a four-day visit to Catalonia in January , he called for unity and solidarity ; yet , at the same time , he himself kept the in-fighting going by distancing himself from Serrano while cultivating Arrese .
22 President Ion Iliescu called for calm and the Council of National Unity ( CNU — see p. 37251-52 ) announced that a commission of inquiry would be established immediately .
23 At a press conference the following day , Koffigoh called for calm and for the restoration of state authority , saying that he had regained his freedom of movement and had returned to his residence .
24 It called for government expenditure of $14,330 million , a rise of 24 per cent over the estimated $11,500 million spending in the previous year .
25 Many larger houses were being split up into ‘ so-called flats ’ , and he called for protection for such families .
26 The CSCE document also called for protection of correspondents and the lifting of restrictions on the movements of foreigners , including journalists .
27 While Gorbachev called for superpower collaboration to " make [ the world ] more calm and reasonable " , Bush sought to assure the Soviet Union that " the West [ sought ] no advantage from the extraordinary changes under way in the East " .
28 Local DUP councillor Ethel Smyth called for defiance of the ban .
29 It was only when PC Buckingham called for assistance on his personal radio that they realised what was happening .
30 PC Gaskell was almost lost for words — but he called for assistance and the entertainer finally got his way .
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