Example sentences of "putting them into " in BNC.

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1 Clearly the whereabouts of those bottles , and the number of them , had been one of the P'daytabird 's little secrets , for Warnie writes , ‘ Nothing brought home to me the finality of the old life as did the carrying out of those bottles and putting them into [ the ] car — to see the mysteries of that jealously guarded secret room emerge as plain matter of fact bottles , and the cellar stand revealed as an ordinary empty cupboard was an unpleasant feeling . ’
2 They must survive the heat and other stresses involved in putting them into a warhead that can disperse them in a fine mist over enemy positions .
3 If the threat of ( big ) wars is small , it will make sense to spend more of that money researching and developing weapons and less on putting them into full-scale production — or on training and feeding expensive troops .
4 They resented the way in which the Chancellor interfered — in effect though not in theory — with their judgements , by prohibiting the man who was successful at Common Law from putting them into force .
5 I can see no moral difference between seeking out mongol children in the womb to kill them and putting them into gas chambers after birth .
6 No time was lost putting them into service for the season , still in the L.U.T. livery , which was similar to Blackpool 's .
7 Looked at in this way theory then becomes the ordering of facts and findings in a meaningful way and this ordering and building up is of the very essence of scientific enquiry , since without ordering facts and without putting them into some systematic framework there can be no generalizations and no predictions .
8 Having entered the soft systems world as an untrained novice some years ago , and endeavoured to apply the theories to problem situations within my normal sphere of activity , aided only by the few textbooks that were then on the market and occasional contact with other exponents of the approach , I am keenly aware of the difficulties that some practitioners may have , not only with understanding the principles but also with putting them into practice .
9 At other places people have often sought to reduce casualties by carrying the toads across the road and putting them into the breeding pond , but as often as not the toads they put into the pond were moving out of it rather than in , so the toads have to run the gauntlet of the road a second time .
10 The doctor , however , acted in ways he found wholly admirable , and he thought that when he did get out he would apply his methods of handling patients — getting hold of them firmly and putting them into the right positions — to the positioning of his models .
11 Here what is important for novices is the development of confidence when confronted with a new and demanding , indeed threatening , social situation , and for this they need to draw upon a set of established and reliable techniques and learn to feel secure in the straightforward business of actually putting them into practice , whatever their validity in terms of learning effect might be .
12 This is not , for once , the Beowulf -poet , who took a strong line on ylfe or elves , putting them into a list with ‘ ettens ’ and indeed with ‘ orcs ’ — a very stern view of all non-human and un-Christian species .
13 Talking with their age peers may also be important , and small group counselling can be a useful means of both enabling elderly people to realize that their sexual needs are not unusual , and putting them into contact with others who may have similar or even corresponding needs .
14 A default colour palette will be displayed on the screen from which you select colours for your woolbox , rather like going into a shop , choosing cones of different colour yarns and putting them into a bag to take home !
15 It entails beating up some chicken eggs , putting them into a syringe and squirting the uncooked scramble down the bird 's throat .
16 It can take a great deal of courage and confidence to challenge colleagues in this way , but as you will see by studying the Code itself , the definition and standards of conduct required are clear and unequivocal , even if putting them into practice is not always as easy as it is made to sound .
17 However , it is worth taking a calm and realistic look at the risks you might have taken and putting them into perspective .
18 Participants will review the proposals outlined during the first such consultation , held in Buenos Aires in July 1990 , and discuss ways of putting them into practice .
19 Scrub or scrape the skins of early potatoes before putting them into lightly salted boiling water and cooking until just tender .
20 She was n't in the kitchen , nor in the dairy where Mister Johnny was wiping the eggs and putting them into their trays .
21 Top dealers are inviting big clients into their offices , buttering them up with expense account lunches , putting them into new ways of investment , just as a good stockbroker might .
22 If teachers are , as we saw , to " articulate purpose " , they must know what purposes are possible and what is involved in putting them into effect .
23 The problem I have is putting them into forms and last was a was a specific example because we ended up with our seven G N , and I took the i , the information from each of the primary schools and put them into form classes .
24 The tentacles of the Corallimorphia are always in multiples of six , putting them into the taxonomic subclass Hexacorallia which also contains sea anemones , hard corals and zoanthids .
25 She chewed the pencil , swallowing splinters ; what could she tell Mrs Rundle , who was now ( if she had ever been much more than ) a stranger , living at a distance , forgetting them , putting them into her past , memories packed with other memories in her bulging handbag ?
26 To make a contribution towards this end requires not only knowledge of alternatives and commitment to putting them into practice but also an understanding of how social policy is made and implemented .
27 If some of the ideas in this book have been new to you , you may be full of enthusiasm for putting them into practice .
28 ‘ Thanks , ’ said Jenny , taking the traveller 's cheques from Adam and putting them into her flying jacket .
29 Instead , staff are putting them into special collecting bins so that they can be taken away for recycling .
30 They had been introduced by seed merchants putting them into their catalogues and invoices — and never objected to by farmers .
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