Example sentences of "merely [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The hon. Member for Angus , East ( Mr. Welsh ) is merely parading the great terror in front of the farmers for his own purposes .
2 Reading between the lines , the tribunal may have suspected that the employer was merely using the sentence as a convenient excuse for getting rid of a man whose record was not unblemished .
3 the paws ; simulating the stitching and seams , merely suggesting the heavy black braid that defines the nose of the original bear .
4 Embarrassing as those moments were for me , I would not wish to imply that I in any way blame Mr Farraday , who is in no sense an unkind person ; he was , I am sure , merely enjoying the sort of bantering which in the United States , no doubt , is a sign of a good , friendly understanding between employer and employee , indulged in as a kind of affectionate sport .
5 Albert Johanneson was merely enjoying the view , not injured : - )
6 Oblige , like force , evokes more than merely producing an effect and it too is followed by the to infinitive : ( 164 ) … servants , whom he had obliged to accompany him .
7 However elaborate the equipment , it is merely magnifying the natural psychic ability ( or lack of it ) that the individual might have .
8 But , says Pflug , the move away from mainframes in favour of distributed computing environments is forcing change — business professionals are making more and more final information technology decisions , while computing personnel are merely shaping the technical side of the project .
9 This is really rather unfair because the only time we can really define correctly is in hindsight — when we have already found the solution and are merely inventing a definition that would have led us there !
10 Maybe he is merely realising the ambitions of a fan .
11 Parton ( 1979 , 1981 ) and Packman ( 1981 ) both highlight an apparently increasing tendency for intervention in family life to be based on compulsion rather than informal permission , and attribute this either to defensive practice in the context of possible exposure ( Packman ) , or to the fact that social work practice is merely reflecting a change in the moral climate of society towards greater social control of deviance ( Parton ) .
12 Arthur Mailey , whose skill and amiable manner attracted F–S to cricket , was later to write that by F–S 's standards , other spin bowlers were merely allowing the ball to ‘ slip from their fingers ’ .
13 Or is Bailey merely articulating an ideology of Bohemianism for the arts and of undirected radicalism for social and political thought in general ?
14 In the simplest systems , where only one program is running at a time , this means merely expediting the changeover from one program to the next .
15 If sufficiently limited in extent , however , merely smothering the fire with thick material will cut off the atmospheric oxygen supply and extinguish the flames .
16 Apart from merely disliking the taste of meat , like that of anything else , one might also decide that the cruelty involved in some intensive farming , although not endemic to it , is unacceptable even in the short term .
17 The daily , reassuring visit from the patrolling doctor was no more — as if by merely walking the rounds he or she had some magic formula that made us safe .
18 I have always assumed that Brightside had it right and Dagenham was merely contributing a series of Gouldisms to the discussion .
19 The striking point , however , is that instead of merely denying the charge , he had set out to vindicate himself by finding a scientific reason why the world could not be eternal .
20 Sartre considered that orthodox dialectical materialism takes the easy way out by merely eliminating the first in favour of the second , making man a passive product entirely determined by economic circumstances .
21 My standard of tennis is at that level where merely returning a serve constitutes a match highlight .
22 Even ITN has had to turn to CNN for some footage of the Gulf , but that does n't cause Phillis any problems : ‘ I 'm a great admirer — Turner 's done a marvellous job , ’ adding that while the US network has received plaudits for its Gulf coverage , it is merely returning the coverage that ITN provided of the Conservative leadership contest .
23 The remedy of using tough policing is merely tackling the symptoms of the disorder , and is liable to exacerbate the underlying malaise .
24 The main dissent came from conservative Republicans who saw the compromise as merely disguising an administration capitulation on affirmative action and quotas .
25 Helen had confessed at lunch that she would sooner have been three behind than three in front — and when news came , after the first 10 holes of the fourth round , that she had fallen one to the rear of the Australian , one had the feeling that she was merely paving the way for a last-minute attack .
26 Although Lord Cairns regarded the principles applicable as extremely simple , it seems clear that the common law was faced by a new and important problem which could not be solved by merely applying the existing authorities .
27 The photons of which it is composed have extremely high energy , and instead of merely vibrating the molecules of living tissues and heating them , they infiltrate organic molecules and disrupt their chemistry .
28 Moreover , it is difficult to believe that anyone who can be as dull as Hoccleve can , when using literary conventions , could suddenly become as lively as he does by merely adopting a new one : the ‘ autobiographical ’ convention .
29 It was never clear whether they were carrying out a routine sample spot check on the facilities or merely seeking a quick meal before a meeting .
30 The reference here to ‘ managers ’ or ‘ superiors ’ as representing the organisation is an interesting one because professional development in this context could be interpreted as merely serving the interest of the dominant hegemony .
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