Example sentences of "published at the " in BNC.

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1 Figures for the year ended 31 March 1989 , due to be published at the end of the year , show an overall 8 per cent drop in the use of the ‘ green form ’ initial advice and assistance scheme , as compared with an overall increase the previous year of 10 per cent .
2 The Tarawa Declaration , published at the conclusion of the Forum meeting , condemned drift-net fishing as ‘ indiscriminate , irresponsible and destructive ’ , and ‘ ‘ not consistent with international legal requirements in relation to rights and obligations of high seas fisheries conservation and management and environmental principles ’ .
3 Likud faces a strong challenge from the Centre-Left Labour Party , which had a stronger showing in the latest opinion poll published at the weekend .
4 Published at the beginning of the century it comprises 10 volumes , although only the first eight have been translated into English .
5 The bank itself conceded in its ‘ financial sector operations policy ’ published at the weekend , that ‘ public offerings also require a fair degree of investor sophistication which may take some time to develop in some of the bank 's countries of operation ’ .
6 The Chemistry in Britain editorial office , like many others , contains several battered copies of ‘ Collins ’ — F. Howard Collins ' Authors ' and printers ' dictionary , published at the beginning of the century by Oxford University Press ( OUP ) and still going strong in the guise of the Oxford dictionary for writers and editors .
7 The Draft Treaties for Economic and Monetary Union published at the end of 1990 replace references to ‘ co-ordination ’ or ‘ co-operation ’ in economic policy with references to ‘ the institution of a common economic policy … and the implementation of other common policies ; the definition and pursuit of a single monetary policy … to support the common economic policy . ’
8 ‘ We felt we were creating the antinuclear movement from scratch , says Pete Roche , now an editor of SCRAM 's bi-monthly Safe Energy Journal , first published at the time and an invaluable guide to the growth of opposition .
9 Christabel LaMotte wrote this long and very convoluted poem about Melusina 's story in the 1860s and it was published at the beginning of the 1870s .
10 No report of the treatment appears to have been published at the time , but evidence has come to light that he did indeed treat at least one patient , a young nurse with a persistent abscess resulting from injuries received in a street accident .
11 We have persuaded Doctor Delvin to sign a copy of his A to Z of Good Sex when it is published at the end of October for all SHE readers who write in .
12 Only a handful of the numerous pamphlets that were published at the time are included in the catalogue .
13 In the Offer for Sale document published at the time of the Company 's flotation in 1986 , it was stated that in due course consideration would be given to the introduction of a Share Option Scheme for Executive Directors and senior management but that no such scheme would be operated without the prior approval of shareholders and in any event not before 1988 at the earliest .
14 A splendid science weekly called Modern Wonder was published at the time .
15 The Poyser monograph on The Barn Owl was published at the same time ; it has more words , contains many photo graphs and even has a colour plate , yet is £15 cheaper .
16 The eight-part BBC2 series The Victorian Flower Garden will be screened in the autumn , and the accompanying BBC book by Jennifer Davies will be published at the same time at £14.95 .
17 Registers should be published at the latest by 15 February in each year for use in all polls taking place after that date , although if for any reason they are not so published , the most recent register may be used ( ibid , s.13(31) .
18 The group plans to publish its annual report and accounts for the year ended 30 September 1992 on 19 January 1993 using the FRS 3 basis , which of course was only published at the end of October last year .
19 He explained away the list of things that Waddell had seen in the Ross 's house as having been published at the trial or in the newspapers , which was not the case .
20 John Ferrar 's Life of Nicholas was not published at the time when it was written and the manuscript disappeared until 1790 .
21 Although the first part of the Pilgrim 's Progress was written during this period of imprisonment , it was not published at the time .
22 Linda 's photos — taken in Paul 's early heady years of fatherhood — were not intended to be published at the time .
23 The product shows what can be done without formal specifications , however just how much of a lead the company has given itself is debatable : IBM said that its network node specifications will be published at the end of the month for public scrutiny .
24 The book by Bram Stoker and published at the end of the last century has sold over a million copies .
25 The data are published at the scale of 1:250000 and 1:625000 .
26 In the event , as we have seen , the Layfield Report was published at the high point of the importance of government grants as a proportion of local income .
27 In addition he was having to select , and write an essay for , A Choice of Kipling 's Verse which was to be published at the end of the year — even this , given the nature of Kipling 's poetry , might be described as " war work " .
28 The reviews of each separate quartet had on the whole been favourable and when the complete edition of Four Quartets was published at the end of October , there was general assent about his achievement .
29 These projects arose from the recommendations in the report of the Cockcroft Committee on the teaching of mathematics published at the beginning of 1982 .
30 A new edition of the School Register was published at the end of the year , once again prepared by two prefects , this time M.R.J. Bestley and R. Hamilton .
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