Example sentences of "appears to have [det] " in BNC.

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1 On the face of it , the market appears to have many of the features of a contestable market , that is , one where competitive conditions are maintained regardless of the market structure , due to the threat of new entry .
2 This arrangement , which appears to have much to recommend it in professional terms as well as adding to the attraction of professional posts for recruiting purposes , has not been taken up on any scale by public libraries .
3 The counsellor can also suggest the intervention of non-conventional or alternative medical practitioners , especially for those problems for which conventional medicine appears to have little or no answer .
4 The task of condensing five thousand years of glass-making appears to have little deterred the contributors of this latest offering from the British Museum .
5 Even accepting that executive directors are now required to give their full-time attention to company affairs , the law appears to have little role to play in ensuring that the board engage in proper long-term planning or respond vigorously to changes in the business environment .
6 A further proposal which appears to have little , if any , current support , is for litigation to be financed from public funds irrespective of the means of the parties .
7 Those involved are attempting to come to grips with the injustices , the inequalities and the prejudices of a political system in which the practice of representative democracy appears to have little relevance to their plight as they battle against the social and economic problems briefly outlined above .
8 This change appears to have little effect on the remaining coefficients from ( 2.2 ) , confirming the importance of both relative returns and aggregate financial activity in determining the level of foreign portfolio investment in the UK .
9 While protectionism as a transnational political force appears to have little likelihood of success in the forseeable future , the threat of it is ever present as a reminder that the orderly progress of global trade in the interests of the TNCs has to be maintained and those who transgress will be punished .
10 This latter option appears to have some attraction for Fforde , for in his conclusion he seems to agree with the Thatcherite premise that pre-1979 Conservatives , by accommodating themselves to collectivist reforms rather than reversing them , abandoned their principles and surrendered to the so-called ‘ ratchet ’ effect of creeping socialism .
11 The idea of travelling between areas to take advantage of shorter waiting times appears to have some public support as Leathard ( 1990 ) quotes a survey which suggests that 40 per cent of people would go anywhere in the country to avoid waiting for treatment .
12 Such a typology , and the implied differences in operational style , appears to have some general relevance .
13 This method at least appears to have some principled rationale underlying it , however , Rosch herself stresses that the basic level is not necessarily fixed ( Rosch , Mervis , Gray , Johnson & Boyes-Braem , 1976 ) , but depends both on the interaction required with the object and the expertise of the observer ( Tanaka & Taylor , 1991 ) .
14 Although , as Lord MacMillan said in Vancouver Malt & Sake Brewing Co Ltd v Vancouver Breweries Ltd [ 1934 ] AC 181 , it is important to realise that " public policy is not a constant " it appears to have some easily recognisable and immutable general characteristics .
15 Disconcertingly , the human world appears to have less reality for him , if anything , than the world of buildings and objects .
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