Example sentences of "to think about [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had never had time to think about love before , had thought that Bruno had burned that out of her .
2 If he is asked to only trot round in large circles , he will have plenty of time to think about life being fun , whereas if he is ‘ worked ’ he will have to concentrate his mind on the job in hand .
3 Having to think about work .
4 " Well , I 'm beginning to think about breakfast .
5 I mean the time for you being adventurous was earlier , and I mean when you retire you 've got to think about capital er protection as well .
6 Instead , I return to the living-room and try to think about art .
7 It was also cautiously convinced that the most promising way to think about memory was along the lines of Donald Hebb 's model , which involves changes in the strength of the connections between nerve cells , perhaps by growing new or enlarged synapses , and so altering the physiological relationships between neurons .
8 And indeed it is high time to think about lunch .
9 These debates force us to ask ourselves what is the best way to think about behaviour and its relationship to the brain .
10 I first started to think about painting about ten years ago when my two children married and left home and I thought I 'd ‘ do ’ something at the local adult education centre .
11 In this sermon on prayer , I want us to think about prayer as a two-way conversation in which we talk to God and in which we listen to him as well .
12 The white-dominated self-organized disability movement shows some signs of beginning to think about racism from within .
13 It no longer seemed important to me to think about escape .
14 Actually , Ron does n't know it , but he 's got a point — you really ought to think about money a bit .
15 Then we 'll have to think about money .
16 I asked her if her work at college had forced or stimulated her to think about school in general , and what it is for .
17 Stephen never much cared to think about sex .
18 She tried not to think about Finn because then she felt weak and hopeless .
19 In any case , Lorraine was far too preoccupied to think about romance .
20 I I 'm trying not to think about way I feel on Christmas morning cos
21 The Second Law of Thermodynamics thus constrains the designer of engines ; he wants high efficiency but he also has to think about speed and price , and a whole range of possible designs might suit a particular case : the law does not require a unique solution .
22 You ate what you were given and tried to look as if you could n't really bear to think about food .
23 Erm , we do know quite a lot about erm , why it is that when you diet you start to think about food all the time , and why it is that certain things happen , and I think that there 's more and more information and knowledge being gathered and yes , the na , the desire to change has to come from the individual but perhaps , having clinics available where people can go when they 're ready to change or where they can get help .
24 Have n't got time to think about food .
25 So it 's , if you 're in , you 've still got to think about security and you ought to be locking your doors , if you can .
26 When you are approaching the end of your hospital stay you will have to think about convalescence .
27 The second chute lasted all of half a minute , and when the third opened , Rostov began to think about landing .
28 ‘ I refuse to think about alcohol before lunchtime .
29 SINCE we are in the middle of the International Coffee Organisation meeting -how do they pass a week without a visible result ? — I thought it appropriate to think about tea .
30 Now , have you had a chance to think about Dane 's character yet ? ’
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