Example sentences of "to think [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It was lucky for her that she was so busy just then , as she had little time to think during the day , and at night she was so tired that she fell asleep directly she got into bed .
2 If one is seriously to provide catechesis for those handicapped in mind as well as body , one has to think through the implications .
3 On a small site it is important to think about the conditions and to consider what is the best way of turning to make use of a longer run on the airfield , or to avoid having to dodge obstructions .
4 Believing sentences and slotting the information that they convey into our knowledge base ( for instance , what we used to think about the referent of she ) is another story .
5 It was an apt time for the old dilemma of trying to forget where you were ( while being excited by the position ) and trying not to think about the uncertainties of the morrow ( while looking forward to them ) .
6 I find it impossible to begin to think about the phenomena which are giving you anxiety and which , I assure you , are giving me anxiety , without some elementary attempt to classify those phenomena .
7 He first began to think about the repercussions of such hard commercial decisions in 1971 , and by the time that he 65 became chairman of British Steel upon the untimely death of Lord Melchett he had formulated a way to ease the hardship .
8 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
9 After the timid The Maggie ( 1953 , High and Dry in US ) , Mackendrick 's Ealing oeuvre culminates in The Ladykillers ( 1955 ) where a gang of bank robbers , masquerading as an unlikely string quartet , engages in a battle of wills with an unutterably sweet and totally irritating landlady , symbol of Ealing 's ( and England 's ) determination not to think about the modern world , smothering the horrors and the nightmares in gentility .
10 As you start to think about the things that make you anxious you realize that the passage is telling you not to be anxious but to pray with thanksgiving !
11 Sometimes I try to think about the concepts behind the immersion and about being spiritually cleansed , and sometimes mikva is just something that has to be done on time , and the spiritual significance is almost forgotten in the ritual of the act .
12 The monotonous motion of his arm released his mind to think about the discovery in the shed .
13 ‘ We decided to build a balcony with steps going down to the garden , but our builder advised us to think about the year-round advantages of a conservatory , ’ Claudia explained .
14 Your weekly shopping list will probably change ; you need to think about the best ways to do this for you .
15 Now , she hitched herself upright , ejected the cat , and sat down again to think about the refrigerator .
16 The rest of the group had been too busy out enjoying themselves to think about the potential consequences of Leila 's absence .
17 He did n't want to think about the Latinos .
18 be encouraged to think about the accuracy of their own reading and to check for errors that destroy meaning ;
19 Music permissions letters going out today : Rob needs to think about the choral music for York Minster ( maybe the contact at the Minster can help ? ) and ‘ The Ride of the Valkyrie ’ — any further details ?
20 ‘ Often , ’ says Pitkeathley , ‘ they become carers with no time to plan , no time to think about the effect on their lives .
21 Wherever a pupil is studying the theoretical aspect of a subject , whether in the arts or the sciences , he must be taught to think about the foundations of that subject .
22 He must be encouraged also to think about the justification , if any , for separating his subject from , say , physics or biology or biochemistry .
23 So all church members are being asked to think about the issue and make up their minds before it comes back to the General Synod for the final vote .
24 It was that point in the morning when people usually began to think about the soup and potatoes that were expected shortly , rather than about the books they were reading .
25 Some women who have always had a career only get to think about the need for closer relationships after that finishes .
26 She collects samples , takes measurements and no doubt makes the tea : she is not expected to analyse the data she collects , and certainly not required to think about the questions those data might answer .
27 This is just one example of many which encourages all of us to think about the past or the future — but never to be aware of the present .
28 So I abandoned the ‘ jazzy white number ’ and tried hard not to think about the comments of the other athletes who had watched the race with Colin in Portugal .
29 He would need to confess them , be shrived , for even to think about the King 's death was treason .
30 It is not necessary to purge the political and academic language which we use to think about the inner city , only to be aware of its contingent value .
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