Example sentences of "living at a " in BNC.

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1 They give some impression of the life and environment of the wealthy and influential but cause one to forget , or overlook , the lives of the majority of people living at a lower level of survival — a majority that probably includes the makers of the art object .
2 Again , your mobility may determine your ability to put certain things into your life like art galleries , theatres , etc. whilst living at a distance from them .
3 Sometimes , if elderly relatives are living at a distance , it is not possible to be certain , in spite of advice from us , and help from neighbours with the shopping , that they are eating properly , but if they can only be persuaded to drink a pint of milk every day and eat some fresh citrus fruit , wholemeal bread , cheese or eggs , margarine or butter and a bowl of bran cereal , we shall know that they can not come to any serious harm from a dietary point of view , even though a much more varied diet would be more suitable .
4 The best known is that , where there is a gift to a class of children living at a particular date , a child en ventre sa mère at that date but later born alive will be treated as having been living at the date and thus included in the class .
5 She chewed the pencil , swallowing splinters ; what could she tell Mrs Rundle , who was now ( if she had ever been much more than ) a stranger , living at a distance , forgetting them , putting them into her past , memories packed with other memories in her bulging handbag ?
6 We are living at a time when everyone is forced to adopt a political position : one day it will become clear that 6 February 1934 marked a dividing point in literature as well as in politics .
7 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
8 She 's divorced , but she has n't emigrated or defected — she 's still a Fellow of Somerville , and still living at a solid address in North Oxford .
9 His formative years were spent living at a small terraced house in , a house which still remains in use today .
10 Last Friday , a sheriff at Kilmarnock granted Cunninghame District Council an eviction notice on the nine men and a woman living at a house in Gladstone Road , Saltcoats , Ayrshire .
11 they 're living , they 're living at a subsistence level
12 They are living at an address that only I know .
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