Example sentences of "living [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 These included the Kachan Kyzyl , Sagai , Koibal , Beltir and Shor tribes of the upper Yenisei basin ( the ‘ Minusinsk Tatars ’ ) and the Altai Kizhin Telengit , Teleut , Tölös , Kurnandan Tuba , and Chelkan , living between the Irtysh and the Yenisei , who are nowadays grouped together under the common name ‘ Altaians ’ .
2 The Ingelheim attendance list unfortunately does not include laymen ; but Nithard says that " all those living between the Meuse and the Seine " sent an urgent message to Charles in Aquitaine , " telling him to come before they were taken over by Lothar " .
3 Still , it was easier to accept Hoffman as Penn 's spokesman than as someone actually living through the film .
4 Already , he knew that his chances of living through the next four or five weeks had been severely curtailed .
5 Living through the post-Darwinian debates , he invariably took up the cudgels on behalf of scientific rationalism .
6 Most importantly they provide a safe passage for women living through the most traumatic encounter they are ever likely to have with men , the law and the state .
7 The very large majority of our sample , having been born between about 1885 and 1895 were in that special , and it might be said tragic , generation who were young adults during the Great War , then spent their middle years living through the Depression and the Second World War .
8 She was actually living through the kind of situation fantasies were made of — stranded in the snow with one of the world 's great sex symbols — and all she could do was argue with him .
9 She had experienced the ecstasy , and now she was living through the agony .
10 He said this would be paid for by ‘ speculators and those who have been living off the state like cannibals ’ .
11 By contrast , western manufactures spent the '80s living off the volume generated by their existing models and their once-a-decade replacements .
12 A string of distinguished television current-affairs programmes are dismissed as being soft on criminals and terrorists ; TV programme-makers turn out to be pretentious , corrupt , cynical and generally ‘ nauseating … these saintly people , living off the fat of the land , try to kid you that they are guardians of the common weal ! ’
13 He 'd never had a good word to say for them before , a bunch o' thieving magpies , he always said , living off the fat of the land while he had to pay taxes to keep 'em .
14 Hard , smart , and living off the enterprise culture .
15 Data to be published shortly draws on experiments including observations of Freddy , the dolphin that has been living off the Northumbrian coast for four years .
16 Nothing is sacred ; when the Princess of Wales bought a Mercedes in February he accused the Royals of ‘ showing contempt for British workers while living off the fat of the land ’ .
17 Living off the proceeds of that bestseller you wrote , Kruger : The Computer That Failed ? ’
18 We ca n't all be gentlemen of leisure like you , living off the social . ’
19 Tomlinson has rounded on the central London teaching hospitals as though they were dole-scroungers , living off the hard work of the rest of the NHS , providing nothing in return and remaining eternally ungrateful .
20 Nine out of ten of the 2/2 Independent Company were from the dry country districts of Western Australia , used to living in the bush , butchering their own meat , and improvising motor repairs — skills they found essential in living off the country in Timor and during their first year or so as an Independent Company stationed 250 miles ( 400km ) south of Darwin in the little town of Katherine with its corrugated buildings , its one hotel and two stores .
21 Or — like a few men of Sparrow Force whom Corporal Palmer had found near the coast living off the Company 's abandoned-in-transit Christmas parcels — they wandered aimlessly until captured , or killed by native factions .
22 In September 1979 the Screamers , a female-dominated community living off the coast of Donegal , became aware of the nature of the prospecting going on in Donegal : IBM had claimed that month that it had encountered ‘ encouraging evidence of uranium ’ in Donegal .
23 Lorry driver Terrence Duncan , 37 , of Bristol , denies living off the earnings of prostitution .
24 Burton was living off the land and he loved it .
25 As will be seen in Chapter four , those who , like Frederick Shaw , try to by-pass the law by publishing a directory or ‘ contact magazine ’ , could be guilty of publishing an obscene article , living off the earnings of prostitution , and conspiring to corrupt public morals .
26 The ownership of massage parlours and saunas is also no protection against charges of , for example , living off the earnings of prostitution .
27 As the industrial sector grew , especially with the rapid post-1918 development of heavy industry , the concentration of industry in urban areas meant that members of the rural population could no longer maintain even a pretence of living off the land , and were more and more drawn away to the expanding cities .
28 Unemployed people are described as lazy , scroungers , living off the tax payer , etc .
29 Portugal became the poorest EC member with almost a quarter of its people living off the land .
30 I do n't like to remind you of this , but if it was n't for me , you 'd be in a bedsit somewhere now , living off the DHSS .
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