Example sentences of "placed at the " in BNC.

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1 If there was time , a roughly made cross was placed at the head of the dead soldier holding his beret or steel helmet .
2 Secondly , the third-floor accommodation , lit only by the small clerestory windows of the nave ( composed of shallower paired lancets ) , managed to obtain the necessary amount of daylight from the glazing being placed at the rear of the original traceried stonework where the splayed internal window-revels generate an area exposed to daylight which is larger than the window area seen from outside ( Fig 46 ) .
3 The situation was slightly better than in the first half of the 1980s , when more power stations were cancelled than entered service , but those under construction all dated from orders placed at the beginning of the 1970s .
4 If we were to construct a ‘ ladder ’ of non-fatal offences , starting with the most serious and moving down to the least serious , the offence of attempted murder should be placed at the top .
5 A small trough , seemingly casually placed at the side of steps winding through a rock garden , suggest a pause — a place to contemplate the intricate display of alpines and other miniature plants .
6 By 300 the West added the birth of Jesus integrated into a solar calendar by being placed at the winter solstice .
7 For this reason , if shelter sheds are placed in a paddock , they may have to be placed at the top of the hill and preferably near the gate .
8 During the early years of Edward II 's extravagant and oppressive personal rule , his unpopular favourites were placed at the head of the Forest administration .
9 A neatly printed card , discreetly placed at the hem of the embroidery , told that the contents of the case had been donated by Jurgen Danziger , in 1933 .
10 Soon after the murder , a huge wreath of white lilies was placed at the blood-stained scene .
11 To make matters tidy , Prince Rudolf of Habsburg was placed at the head of the committees to promote Bohemian culture .
12 Young men and underclass men in general are also portrayed in disparaging terms in the book , even though the explanation for their behaviour ( criminality , violence , drugs , hanging round pool halls , lick of responsibility for offspring ) is placed at the door of external forces .
13 It is these PSUs which are now placed at the disposal of the NRC .
14 With the skeg placed at the very back , there is also less chance of spin out .
15 Miss Tylee 's courtesy was unfailing — she was a neatly dressed lady who wore a velvet neckband and her ‘ pince-nez ’ or pinchers as we called them were attached to a thin gold necklet , ready to be placed at the end of her nose when she was searching for something required by her customers .
16 The combative ethic of politics is inappropriately placed at the centre of the governance of education , which desperately needs to be guided by the values of partnership .
17 Products the customer buys regularly , such as bread , milk , sugar , eggs , tights … are often placed at the rear of the shop .
18 Special displays placed at the end of a shelf unit or counter , where they catch the customer 's eye .
19 Hayward and his collaborators are among those to have reported this discovery in ANAS ( vol 79 , p 7842 ) ; they , and a collaborative team led by Bob Gallow of the US National Institutes of Health and Carlo Croce of the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia , have shown that the myc gene is strategically placed at the breakpoint where the translocated fragment of chromosome 8 links up with chromosome 14 in lymphoma cells .
20 It contains all the elements that have normally been placed at the centre of crisis theory in the Marxist tradition , i.e. the falling rate of profit , excess capital , excess commodities .
21 When nests were placed at the side of the cage , hens preferred the rear positions .
22 She was admitted , now , to the feasting-hall of the King , and placed at the long women 's table presided over by Marietta of Patras , the King 's serene and excellent mother .
23 The first person in each team is given a balloon and has to blow it down the room over tape placed at the other end without touching it .
24 Siporax is placed at the heart of gravel which pre-filters the water before it reaches the sintered glass .
25 The main and ribber carriages are then placed at the end of the needlebed .
26 True , DF 118 's predilection for improvisation results in one yawn-inducing instrumental howler entitled ‘ Preacher Dub ’ ( foolishly placed at the start of the set ) , and they 're daft enough to return to clichéd ranting on '60 Seconds ’ ; but by the time proceedings close with ‘ Chainsaw ’ , they 're looking like people who could take on more established named and win hands down .
27 ‘ He was wide awake while the old Black and Decker was being drilled straight through his kneecap and a donor tendon was being placed at the back of his knee , which is unbelievably advanced surgery . ’
28 The Blackwell enclosed spring trolley mast was placed at the centre of the upper deck .
29 Peat , clay or leaf-mould placed at the bottom with a layer of unwashed river sand or fine gravel should be provided .
30 It was agreed that chapters 15 to 17 should be printed on yellow-tinted paper , with the following explanation at the top of the contents page : ‘ For ease of reference , chapters 15 to 17 have been placed at the front of the report , adjacent to the proposals , and are printed on tinted paper . ’
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