Example sentences of "becomes [adv] more " in BNC.

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1 The position of a Hindu woman in her marital family becomes vastly more secure when she becomes a mother , especially of male children .
2 In simple language , the signal becomes vastly more powerful as it passes through this type of network .
3 Context then becomes paradoxically more metacontextual ( as in the work of Sperber and Wilson 1986 ) and encoded ( " pointed to " ) by certain deictic elements .
4 But in other categories , it becomes rather more difficult to convince people that it is a potentiality of most of us and that no ‘ special ’ motivation is required to explain it .
5 For a skilled operator it is faster and easier to produce a new drawing , and once a drawing is on file , making changes and producing updated versions becomes much more efficient .
6 Stone is anxious to stress that women did not want divorce , which is largely true of the period he concentrates on , although the picture becomes much more complicated in the twentieth century .
7 If no one knows that this change has happened , because of the relative isolation that many people live in today , then it becomes much more difficult to grieve openly .
8 When solar power can be converted directly into electricity it becomes much more usable .
9 When this is done , the language of the cat becomes much more clear .
10 The presentation becomes much more colourful if you mix the different vegetables together .
11 For larger animals gravity becomes much more relevant .
12 From these examples , it can be seen that while the classification of single-word utterances is relatively straightforward , this process becomes much more problematic with two- and three-word utterances .
13 As soon as children start to feel upset about food their appetite disappears and the process of eating becomes much more difficult .
14 Here , the picture becomes much more clear .
15 If this is done , then the choice of which questions to ask becomes much more clear cut ( see p. 50 ) .
16 However , the object-oriented paradigm offers increasing benefits when followed through from analysis and design to a language — that in fact the whole process becomes much more meaningful when surrounded by a software engineering environment .
17 It is often seen in nature , but becomes much more obvious when natural hazards are removed in captive and human populations .
18 One of the strengths of this approach is that it becomes much more immediately apparent why certain issues are felt to be important .
19 It is not only that the social range of fiction becomes much more inclusive , allowing the writer to explore interiors that make no claim to architecture , but that living space itself develops individual character .
20 Where these conditions are not met , the calculation of the cost of capital becomes much more difficult .
21 For the extreme relativist , the distinction between science and non-science becomes much more arbitrary and less important that it is for the rationalist .
22 The farm becomes their ‘ community ’ while contact with the village becomes much more perfunctory .
23 The role of the bus becomes much more important if rail services disappear and are to be replaced by bus services .
24 However once one goes outside the immediate hierarchy of industrial relationships the symbolic implication of monetary payments becomes much more difficult to decipher .
25 On the other hand , if we assume that there is imperfect information , in the sense that suppliers and demanders know the current price for the good on their island but only get to know the price in other markets with a one-period time lag , the relationship between aggregate supply and the general level of prices becomes much more subtle .
26 This is lucky , as the mathematics required to manipulate the equations becomes much more complicated if non-quadratic terms are introduced .
27 For volunteers whose jobs are disappearing the process is fairly straightforward , but it becomes much more complicated to match those who want to be redeployed with those who volunteered to leave but whose jobs will continue .
28 But certainly the fact that this is being in colour , you know , that boat which is lying there becomes much more important .
29 Much more difficult for a woman because by the time a woman 's got into her forties , her child rearing erm career is usually rather short and even if she wants to continue , it becomes much more hazardous for her and for her offspring , so er in , in the case of erm modern societies with erm monogamy bu but divorce as we have , you ca n't help thinking that to some extent the , the odds are , are loaded in the favour of men as it were in terms of their reproductive success .
30 It is a family history that becomes much more interesting when set against the wider background of the local history of an important industry .
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