Example sentences of "brought [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They rarely lived in the countryside , but their investments brought them prestige as well as profits .
2 HAPPY IN HELL — The Christians ( Island ) Restrained soul-pop outing that sees the brothers Christian returning to the kind of infectious form that brought them success with ‘ Forgotten Town ’ and ‘ Ideal World ’ .
3 Antonio brought them wine and olives .
4 A quietly efficient English manservant brought them coffee and Armagnac , and then withdrew .
5 After the meal , the waiter cleared the table and brought them coffee .
6 They had missed breakfast but the porter brought them coffee and hot rolls in one of the small lounges , then rang for a taxi to take them to Royalbion House .
7 ‘ It 's down to work tomorrow , ’ Ronni observed , glancing across at Silvia , as the waiter cleared away their fruit plates and brought them coffee .
8 The English kings , however , were unlikely to be willing to relinquish a part of their inheritance which brought them revenue in the early fourteenth century of about £13,000 a year , and whose subjects accepted English rule .
9 Allister Hutton , Mike Gratton and Veronique Marot are returning to the course which brought them victory in the eighties and they 'll be joined by Berlin Marathon winner Steve Brace , who is using the London as part of his preparation for Barcelona .
10 Desmond 's wife brought them tea and a sponge cake that was still warm .
11 Aelin brought them food on wooden platters .
12 During Partition they went into hiding , and for a fortnight their good Hindu friends brought them food and water .
13 His enemies called for peace but he brought them death .
14 One monster brought me water .
15 You brought me happiness that I never thought I would know again in this world , and you 've added to it every day . ’
16 She brought me breakfast in bed to ensure that I was awake and would n't spend the morning half-sleeping in frowsty tumbled sheets .
17 The girl brought me soup and then my trout , the best and freshest I had ever tasted , though the potatoes that accompanied it were not so good .
18 She gave us parties and disapproved of me teaching : Jennifer darling , surely you can get a job in a nice private girls ' school But when I was 14 and had awful tonsillitis she brought me lemon and honey and sat on the edge of the pillow holding my damp hand .
19 He brought me supper down here .
20 Signe brought me coffee in a pot with a felt cover that had eyes and a nose , then she sat on the edge of my bed holding a silly conversation with the felt cover while I drank my coffee .
21 ‘ The same messenger , ’ Corbett interjected , ‘ who brought you news that the King intended to travel to Kinghorn ? ’
22 It 's a spoof cop movie from the team who brought you Airplane , and if you 've never seen it then do n't sit here reading this élitist drivel — race , hop , limbo or mince to your nearest ‘ Videorama ’ and prepare to BARK with laughter , split your stays , and have the parts refreshed that other sagas can not reach .
23 The fires also brought him money — £10.50 each time he was called out .
24 ‘ He used to say they brought him luck . ’
25 Betty thinks her socks brought him luck .
26 ‘ First of all , he kept Derek Jefferson on because he brought him luck and he likes the caddie to hold the flag because he can concentrate on his stroke better .
27 Gifford Tate started to use it as soon as it came out , he reckoned it brought him luck .
28 Isambard was in his bath , washing off the sweat of the hunt , when they brought him word that there was a groom at the lower guard in Llewelyn 's livery , asking safe-conduct for an envoy from Aber .
29 The patronage of Sir Edward Phelips [ q.v. ] probably brought him admission to the Middle Temple ( 1614 ) , James I gave him fee-farm rents in sixteen counties ( 1619–24 ) , and he became clerk extraordinary to the Privy Council ( 1624–40 ) .
30 It brought him abuse from the Tory Press and suspension from Twenty Questions .
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