Example sentences of "led [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Although Il Moro led for the first two legs , New Zealand showed her fearsome ability to climb to windward when she squeezed up from underneath Il Moro to take the lead at the third mark .
2 Having saved the sports car company and turned himself in at the end of series one , Clive Owen led off the second series in 1991 completing the last days of a prison sentence and abandoning the city slicker lifestyle for a battle to save a bankrupt stately home .
3 Operation ‘ Winch ’ was launched on 3 April when two Skuas led off the Hurricanes in two flights of six each .
4 He went down the corridor that led off the central area .
5 Ted Morgan 's car was parked high above the town about five yards down a narrow can-track which led off the road between two steeply sloping fields .
6 ‘ There 's something else you have n't seen , ’ Luke said , unlocking a door which led off the studio into a small gallery .
7 ‘ Willingly , ’ Rose agreed , and led the way to a small antechamber that led off the main saloon .
8 He had the choice of half-a-dozen alleys which led off the main street and climbed to the terraces .
9 He led off the line and stayed in front for five of the 15 laps before driving into the pits to have a misfire cured .
10 They took a winding dirt alley that led through the back of the village between houses and outhouses .
11 Robyn twisted her head with difficulty and saw the white shirt , with legs attached presumably , going back down the path that led through the grand herbaceous borders towards the house .
12 Teesside led after the foursomes 31/2 , 21/2 and the match was squared when Ian Liddle lost the top singles to Bradford 's match play champion Mark Cook .
13 It led past the scarred brown door of the Bogeyman 's room , where strange noises and unpleasant smells were constant reminders of danger .
14 They drove in from the west , on the 243 through Gunzerode , and along the cracked road that led past the IFA Motorenwerk where they once made bicycles and now were being upgraded to motor bikes .
15 Leaving the cottage , Melissa climbed the stile and made her way along the footpath which led past the church to the village .
16 Creed told him to take a right turn , down a narrow track that led towards the ocean .
17 Cutting round to the right and following the track northeastwards , I came down a path that led towards the Occupation Road via the Megger Stones .
18 We were now on the glossy blacktop that led towards the army laundry , Rosa 's old creche .
19 A short time later they were making their way along the road that led beyond the property , and had not travelled far before Silas turned the minibus along a side-road that led towards the boundary .
20 Doreen and Silas were still where she had left them , making two shadowy figures in the moonlight , and , even as she watched , they moved in the direction of the road that led towards the highway .
21 She led with the chin and got her own way most of the time .
22 She crossed the footbridge that led into the red and grey brick town .
23 Where the fields began , a stream led into the River Suck , and here I found a row of tinker caravans .
24 An avenue of fortune-tellers ' trailers led into the funfair , displaying yellow or red cards in their windows .
25 At the w end on the N wall is a balcony with a grille which led into the palace next door .
26 Finally , Yusuf led into the fray his own Black Guards , consisting of 4000 men .
27 She gave no reply but went on through the store-room , whose walls were lined with shelves , some holding bottles of sweets , others boxes of all sizes , then through another door and into a corridor , from which , six feet to the right of her , a door led into the store-room of the tobacconist shop .
28 Turning right along the lane brought you to Southampton Road by Dairyhouse Bridge , another right turn and along the main road to another footpath opposite Waterloo Gardens — this led into the churchyard and so to home .
29 She turned right into the High Street then jumped from the cycle and began pushing it up an alleyway on her left which led into the stables cum car park at the rear of the Berkeley Chase Hotel .
30 In a series ‘ designed to open the door to classical music ’ , it would help if the door led into the right house !
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