Example sentences of "led into the " in BNC.

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1 She crossed the footbridge that led into the red and grey brick town .
2 Where the fields began , a stream led into the River Suck , and here I found a row of tinker caravans .
3 An avenue of fortune-tellers ' trailers led into the funfair , displaying yellow or red cards in their windows .
4 At the w end on the N wall is a balcony with a grille which led into the palace next door .
5 Finally , Yusuf led into the fray his own Black Guards , consisting of 4000 men .
6 She gave no reply but went on through the store-room , whose walls were lined with shelves , some holding bottles of sweets , others boxes of all sizes , then through another door and into a corridor , from which , six feet to the right of her , a door led into the store-room of the tobacconist shop .
7 Turning right along the lane brought you to Southampton Road by Dairyhouse Bridge , another right turn and along the main road to another footpath opposite Waterloo Gardens — this led into the churchyard and so to home .
8 She turned right into the High Street then jumped from the cycle and began pushing it up an alleyway on her left which led into the stables cum car park at the rear of the Berkeley Chase Hotel .
9 In a series ‘ designed to open the door to classical music ’ , it would help if the door led into the right house !
10 Both Corbett and Ranulf were dragged unceremoniously off their horses and pushed through the main door of the house and down a passageway which led into the main room or hall .
11 They led into the forest ; after that she did not know what became of them .
12 Several times they crossed paths that led into the forest but it was not until another hour had passed and the moon was paling in the light of the false dawn that they were at last among strange scattered rocks like those which strewed the fringe of the forest where they had first entered the Waste .
13 Jennie reminded Katharine to use the inside led into the outside rein to make him round , and to concentrate on making him bend around her inside leg .
14 She had reached the top of the narrow wooden stairs that led into the single upper-storey chamber she shared with her mother .
15 The platoon headquarters were in a deserted village surrounded by a native rock and rubble wall 8 to 10 feet ( 3m ) high with only two narrow entrances that led into the village with its three large circular huts , each 30 feet ( 10m ) in diameter with conical roofs about 20 feet ( 7m ) high .
16 A huge , heavy , panelled oak door faced it , and peering through the windows I saw that it led into the mill kitchen .
17 From the dining-area another archway led into the kitchen , a long , narrow , galley-type room with two deeply recessed windows — the sills tiled , under one of which was a modern stainless-steel sink , I was pleased to note .
18 He now watched Mick follow Carrie to the door way that led into the scullery , and he found himself also stepping in that direction , until he could take in the whole of the scullery and the open backyard door through which Mr Carver was now passing , saying as he did so , ‘ Ta-rah , then . ’
19 He shook his coat outside and it was carried before him by Stephen Holly along the corridor that led into the backroom where a windowed coke boiler blazed and the coat was draped across a fender .
20 His lordship was standing at the archway that led into the ballroom .
21 The door to the right led into the UNACO command centre , manned round the clock by teams of analysts monitoring the fluctuating developments in world affairs .
22 It led into the plush office of Jacques Rust , head of UNACO 's European operation .
23 The door to the right led into the UNACO Command Centre , a soundproofed room where teams of analysts worked around the clock to monitor the fluctuating developments in world affairs .
24 The miners would then search the hush for the vein and would cut trenches in the hillside , herring-boning outwards from the hush to discover the direction in which the vein led into the hillside .
25 Nevertheless drawings by him still lined the hall which led into the bar , and for a period a mural by Minton , with some assistance from others , hung in the dining-room where visitors could dine simply or expensively , eating plates of goulash or a champagne supper , seated at scrubbed oak tables and benches .
26 The narrow street that led into the town was lined with tall , thin houses painted pale fruit colours — apricot , rasp-berry and greengage .
27 He turned and went down the four steps that led into the long , dark , low-ceilinged dining room , returning a moment later with a book from the shelves .
28 At the back of this room there was a door which led into the second room .
29 Inside , Ace folded one piece of plastic explosive round the corner that led into the anteroom , and placed the other above the altar .
30 He paused by one of the radiators to warm his hands before approaching the doors that led into the infirmary .
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